
时间:2022-09-30 11:10:07



>> 稀有金属 稀有金属力推储备战略 日本对稀有金属的需求及中国稀土战略的调整 培植中国稀有金属资源的“欧佩克” 中国稀有金属逆向物流的发展策略 案例教学法在稀有金属冶金学教学中的应用 稀有金属镀层材料现状及发展战略 金属与采矿稀有金属依旧灿烂 中国稀有金属资源的出口管制与政策校正 中国钼\稀土\钛\钨四种稀有金属资源的分布 稀有金属板材板形调控功效的研究 欧美为何害怕中国限制稀有金属出口 关税杠杆再次挥起稀有金属出口受限 稀有金属:中国出口保卫战 稀有金属:景气周期已经打开 工信部明年建稀有金属储备 稀有金属材料加工技术进展 WTO与中国稀土:稀土贸易可否借鉴稀有金属模式 行业分析:稀有金属、石墨烯、3D玻璃 河南省卢氏地区伟晶岩型稀有金属矿成矿规律初步研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[15]徐衍坤. 日本全球矿产资源战略及储备制度简介(上)[J]. 金属世界,2008(3):2-4.

[16]孙章伟. 稀土贸易和管理政策比较研究:以日本、美国、中国为例[J].太平洋学报,2011(5):49-59.





Abstract: Japan,though with extreme shortage of rare metal resource in its mainland,has undoubtedly become the world’s power nation of rare metal consumption and application.Along with the wider utilization of rare metal in strategic new industries,China and Japan have launched several rounds of game in the related fields.To deal with the tighteningup control on rare metal production and export of the Chinese government,Japan comprehensively implemented technical,economic,political and diplomatic means to ensure the safety of its rare metal supply system with technical innovation as the core,marketing as the basic orientation,interaction among the government,industry and research,so as to form the ensuring strategic system of rare metal,which help ease the metal supply strain and further strengthen Japan’s competitive advantage in global value chain of rare metal.For a long time,China’s rare metal resources advantage has not become industrial advantage.We should draw lessons from Japan’s ensuring strategic system of rare metal to advance the development of national strategy of rare metal resources,boost rare mental industrial chain towards highend part and protect the safety of national resources.

Key words: rare metal;strategic new industry;national strategy;game

上一篇:考虑道路中断的医疗设施选址问题研究 下一篇:探究护理干预在预防老年糖尿病患者治疗中并发...