
时间:2022-09-11 05:41:01


摘 要 高素质的师资队伍是职业教育办学质量的保障。我国职业教育师资培训虽取得不少成绩,但仍存在诸如职业教育特色缺乏、培

>> 我国职业教育发展的现状及建议 我国高等职业教育法规政策的现状及思考 浅谈我国职业教育的发展现状及对策 我国现代职业教育体系研究的现状及思考 我国高等职业教育的现状及发展对策探讨 我国职业教育信息化建设的现状及对策研究 我国农业高等职业教育的现状及发展对策 发达国家农村职业教育研究述评及对我国的启示 论我国高等职业教育现状及发展 我国职业教育发展现状及改革策略 我国高等职业教育资源配置现状及优化对策 我国职业教育信息化建设现状及对策研究 我国职业教育现状及未来发展模式探析 我国聋人高等职业教育现状及对策浅析 我国职业教育师资队伍建设存在的问题及解决方略 我国职业教育“双师型”师资队伍建设的瓶颈及对策 浅析职业教育师资的现状及解决措施 我国已重点建设93个职业教育师资培养培训基地 等 我国职业教育的现状与展望 我国职业教育师资队伍建设的问题与对策 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

Review on the Situation of Teacher Training of Vocational Education

in China

——Based on Competence Development Program for Vocational Education Teachers in Beijing

FU Hui-juan1, NIE Wei2

(1.Beijing Business School, Beijing 102209; 2. National Institute of Education Science, Beijing 100088, China)

Abstract High quality teaching staff make sure of the operation of vocational education. Although the teacher training for vocational education in China has made significant achievements, there are still some shortages that need improvements, such as lacking vocational education characteristics, training experts team being unorganized, the defects existing in the training system and so on. The teachers quality enhancement project in Beijing has tried to develop a structured VET training network along with educational experts’ guidance as well as the enterprises’ deep participation and cooperation, which can be regarded as the reference for national VET teachers’ training in the construction of training management system, the library of training experts, and enterprises cooperation on training, etc.

Key words vocational education; teacher training; Beijing; teacher quality enhancement program

上一篇:提升全民终身技能的丹麦策略 下一篇:澳大利亚职业教育与培训改革新动向