
时间:2022-06-27 06:09:23



Many European countries remain monarchies today, including the UK and the Commonwealth, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Monaco. The Pope is also technically a monarch as he is the sovereign of the Holy See - however, with subjects numbering fewer than a thousand, this is not a huge deal. The larger countries are all constitutional, rather than absolute, monarchies.

Today, constitutional monarchy is almost always combined with representative democracy, and represents theories of sovereignty which place sovereignty in the hands of the people, and those that see a role for tradition in the theory of government. Though the king or queen may be regarded as the head of state, it is the Prime Minister, whose power derives directly or indirectly from elections, who actually governs the country.

In most constitutional monarchies today, the monarchy exists only at the allowance of the elected parliament. In many cases, a simple vote in parliament would be sufficient to abolish the monarchy and replace it with some form of republic. ①With the exception of post-war Italy, no modern, democratic constitutional monarchy has voted to do so. Most have ended as a result of complications following the aftermath of war or invasion (such as Austria or Germany) or because of a violent revolution (such as in Russia or Greece).

Heads of state in countries with either a partly unwritten constitution (such as the United Kingdom) or a wholly written constitution (such as Australia) generally have "reserve powers". The head of state can be a monarch or the monarch's representative.

Typically these powers are:

*to appoint a Prime Minister;

*to dismiss a Prime Minister;

*to refuse to dissolve Parliament;

*to force a dissolution of Parliament;

*to refuse or delay the "Royal Assent" to legislation. To withhold the Royal Assent amounts to vetoing a law. To reserve the Royal Assent means to delay taking a decision for an undetermined period of time.

*Royal Prerogative

There are usually strict constitutional conventions concerning when these powers may be used, and these conventions are enforced by public pressure. Using these powers in contravention of tradition would generally provoke a political crisis.













Royal Prerogative

In the United Kingdom, the Royal Prerogative - the powers solely reserved for the King or Queen - was historically one of the central features of the realm's governance. Today, most prerogative powers are exercised by ministers, such as the powers to "regulate the Civil Service, issue passports and grant honours, all without any need for approval from Parliament". Some prerogative powers are exercised nominally by the monarch, but on the advice of Prime Minister and Cabinet of the United Kingdom, who instruct the monarch when to use them. Some key areas of British system of government are still carried out by means of the Royal Prerogative, but its usage has been diminishing.

Among the powers theoretically possessed by the monarch in the United Kingdom under the Royal Prerogative are:

*The appointment and dismissal of ministers;

*The dissolution of parliament and the calling of elections;

*Clemency and pardon;

*The awarding of honours;

*The declaration of war;

*The declaration of an emergency;

*The minting of coins;

*The issuing and revoking of passports;

*The expulsion of a foreign national from the United Kingdom;

*The creation of new universities;

*The appointment of bishops and archbishops in the Church of England;

*The printing of the authorised Church of England version of the Bible;

*The publication of all statutes, legislative instruments and so on.

The prerogative also traditionally included duties, not just rights. The foremost of these were the defence of the realm and the keeping of the peace.

In the United Kingdom, The Queen has numerous theoretical "personal prerogatives". ②In practice, however, there are no circumstances in modern British government where these could be exercised; few have been exercised in the last century. Her Majesty's personal prerogatives are:

1. The appointment of a prime minister. This was last done in 1974 when Parliament was deadlocked and The Queen appointed Harold Wilson as prime minister;

2. The refusal to dissolve Parliament when requested by the Prime Minister. This was last reputedly done in 1910 (but George V later changed his mind);

3. The dismissal of a Prime Minister and his Government. This was last done in Britain in 1834 by King William IV;

4. The refusal of the Royal Assent, last exercised in 1708 by Queen Anne.

The Queen's personal prerogatives are quite distinct from those of her Governors-General. In 1975, the Australian Governor-General John Kerr dismissed the Government, causing a massive outcry still felt today in the republican movement. (The Queen's Private Secretary later admitted the Queen thought he had acted "prematurely").
























monarchy /`m4n9ki/ n.君主政体;君主制

sovereign /`s4vrin/ n.君主

Holy See /`h9uli s1/ n.(宗圣)圣座;宗座

subject /`s7b_ikt/ n.国民

Prime Minister /praim `minist9/ 首相

abolish /9`b4liH/ vt.废止;废除

aftermath /`3ft9m2F/ n.结果

unwritten constitution 不成文宪法

written constitution 成文宪法

dissolve /di`z4lv/ v.解散

amount /9`maunt/ vi.相当于

veto /`v1t9u/ vt.否决

Royal Prerogative /`r4i9l pri`r4G9tiv/ 皇家特权

realm /relm/ n.王国

nominally /`n4min9li/ adv.名义上地

cabinet /`k2binit/ n.内阁

clemency /`klem9nsi/ n.宽厚(行为)

pardon /`p3dn/ n. 赦免

revoke /ri`v9uk/ vt.废除

expulsion /iks`p7lH9n/ n.逐出

bishop /`biH9p/ n.主教

archbishop /`3tH`biH9p/ n.大教主

statute /`st2t(t/ n.法令

foremost /`f5m9ust/ adj.最重要的

deadlock /`dedl4k/ vt.使陷入僵局

reputedly /ri`p(tidli/ adv.据说

outcry /`autkrai/ n.公开抗议

① with the exception of 除……以外

② in practice 实际上

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