
时间:2022-10-16 06:19:51


摘 要?演“半城镇化”是农业转移人口没有完全融入现代城市、处于一种“中间人”状态下的不彻底的城镇化。“半城

>> 城镇化进程中的城镇规划问题分析 农村视角下城镇化进程中问题探析 城镇化进程中金融约束及对策建议 城镇化进程中的动力机制探析 安徽城镇化进程中的体育旅游探析 城镇化进程中的生态理念培育探析 中国城镇化进程中的农民问题 我国城镇化进程中问题分析 城镇化进程中的性别问题研讨 浅谈城镇化进程中的融资问题 城镇化进程中的投融资问题研究 城镇化进程中的土地财政问题思考 城镇化进程中的土地利用管理问题及对策探析 探讨小城镇及城镇化进程中的水利问题 探析我国城镇化进程中存在的问题及路径选择 山东省城镇化进程中的土地约束问题及对策 浅析城镇化进程中户籍制度存在的问题及对策 苏州市城镇化进程中的主要生态问题及对策 我国城镇化进程中存在的问题及对策研究 新型城镇化进程中存在的问题及对策研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l 网络出版时间:2015-1-12 10:13:02



① “半城镇化”源自于地理学概念,最初指的是在大城市附近或者大城市之间的区域,它们与大城市关系密切、自身的劳动密集型产业等发展很快,这被称之为“半城市地区”,也就是区域半城镇化。2006年以来,王春光提出农业转移人口“半城市化”的概念(详见2006年第5期《社会学研究》),从此,学术界开始从人口城镇化的角度对“半城镇化”问题展开研究。本文论及的“半城镇化”问题就是从人口城镇化的角度进行探讨的。

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An Analysis on the Peri-urbanization Problem in the Process

of China's Urbanization and the Countermeasures

Jiao Xiaoyun

(School of Marxism,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)

Abstract: Peri-urbanization refers to an incomplete urbanization state that agriculture transforming population does not totally incorporate with the modern cities and they are in a state of "the go-between". In the state of peri-urbanization,peasants in reality are unable to incorporate with cities,which may lead to social injustice,and is apt to initiate various social issues. It also would lead to rural hollowing,which is unfavorable to the realization of agricultural modernization;multiple burdens would be increased,which is not favorable to the urban economic development;a false rate of urbanization would emerge,which may conduct negative effect on state level policy and decision making. To solve peri-urbanization problem,we must reform the household register system to break the hedges;we must abolish the local land finance and transform the way of economic development;we must implement urbanization in situ,to ensure that farmers neither leave their township,nor leave their land;we must strengthen skills training of rural workers to improve their competitiveness of obtaining employment.

Key words: urbanization;peri-urbanization;problems;countermeasures

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