
时间:2022-10-09 07:01:56


在过去的中学教学中,高考这根指挥棒引导着多数教学活动都是以书面英语(written English)为主,从而忽略了口头英语(spoken English)。实际上,学习英语最终目的是为掌握听、说、读、写四项能力,书面英语只是属于其中一小部分而又与其他部分有着不可分割的联系,特别是“说”,学生在英语测试中能取得好成绩,很大一部分是靠“听”和“说”,培养出来的。实践证明,学生听的能力的提高对增强学生语感,扩大课堂语言信息交流密度,实现高效率的学习,提高教学质量,发展学生其他各项能力都起到了极大的促进作用。因此,英语口语相当重要。作为主导教学活动的老师更需要掌握一定的教学口语。关于教学口语,主要可以从两个方面来说明:

一、从教学步骤上(Durning the teaching steps)

A.一节课开始时该说什么(What to say when beginning class)


Good moming,class/boy and girls.

b.自我介绍(introduce oneself)

My family name is…

I’ll be teaching you this year.

c.点名(call the roll)

Now let me call the roll: Rose…

Is anybody absent today?

It’s time to start now.

Let me check up on you.

d.开始上课(begin the class)

Now let’s begin the new lesson.

Now let’s get cracking.

It’s time to start now.

It’s get down to some work.

B.公布教学计划及复习时该说些什么(What to say when announcing the teaching plan for the period and having review)


We are going to take up a new lesson today.(今天我们上一节新课)

Today we’ll conduct the lesson in this way.(今天我们以这种形式上这一堂课)

First we’ll… then we’ll…,and finally we’ll…(首先我们将以这种形式上这一堂课)


How many new words/phrases/expression/sentences/patterns have we learned in this lesson?(本课我们学习了多少单词/词组/表达/句子/句型?)

Now we’ll have a spelling check/a quit/a test.(现在我们进行单词拼写小测)

C.布置作业及临下课前该说什么(What to say when giving assignments and dismissing class.)

a.布置作业(Giving assignments)

For Today’s homework, make sentences with the words on the blackboard,learn the text by heart and do the exercises on page10.(今天的作业:用心熟读课文并用黑板上的单词造句然后做第十页的练习)

Your homework today is to prepaue the last three paragraphs for Monday.(今天的作业:为星期一的课程做好课文后三段的预习)

b.下课(Dismissing class)

I make it almost time.(时间差不多了)

We’ll leave off here today.(今天就上到这)

It’s time for recess.(下课的时间到了)

D.课堂上的一些典型用语(Some typical sentences in classroom.)

I wonder if you conld explain the problem in more detail.(我想你是否能更详细地解释一下这个难题?)

What do you reckon about their explanation?(你觉得他们解释如何?)

I’m afraid i’m still in the dark.(恐怕,我还是不太清楚。)

二、从教学内容上(From the point of teaching content)

A.语音教学时该说什么(What to say when teaching phonetics.)


This is a front/central/back vowel(这是一个前/中/后元音)

How many consonants are there in English?(英语有多少个辅音?)

b.发音位置(Position when pronouncing)

The tongue is held high/how.(舌头抬高/低)

Now put/press the tip of your tongue against the upper teeth ridge.(舌尖抵住上牙床)

The air passes through the nose/the lips.(气从嘴唇或鼻子发出)

B.教新单词时的用语(What to say when teaching new words.)

Can you spell the word “good”?(你会拼写单词“good”吗?)

The word can be used either as a noun or a verb.(该词可用作名词或动词)

What does this word stand for in the sentence?(该词在本句中代表什么?)

C.教课文时的用语(What to say when teaching the text.)

a.背景知识(Something about setting)

I shall tell you something about the author’s life.(下面我们将讲述一下作者的生平)

I shall give you the general idea of the text.(现在概括该文的中心思想)


D.口语教学用语(What to say when doing oral work.)

Use your imagination while talking about the picture.(看图说话时请应用想象力)

How do you explain the idea in simple English?(怎样用简单的英语解释大意)

Listen carefully and see whether his answer is correct.(注意听看看答案是否正确)

E.书面练习的教学用语(What to say when doing written exercises.)

What did you put for number5?(第5题该填什么?)

See if you can put the verb in the right form.(看一下你是否能以动词的正确形式填空)

Mark the right/wrong answer with a tick/cross.(用打“√”或打“×”写出正确的答案)

Make sure to write them out clearly in your exercise book.(请在你的练习本上清楚地写出答案)



上一篇:如何提高农村初中女生对体育课的兴趣 下一篇:让你的课堂诞生“精彩观念”