
时间:2022-09-23 03:44:01


1. Hyde Park(海德公园)

Hyde Park, the biggest royal one in Britain and also the best- known one in London, is situated① in the Westminster Abbey district in central London. Covering an area of over 360 acres, it belonged to the Westminster Abbey. It served the King as a hunting field prior to the 18th century and Henry Ⅷ turned it into a royal park in the 16th century. During the reign② of Charles Ⅰ, Hyde Park was opened to the public. In 1851, Queen Victoria hosted an international fair for the first time there; now this park, the location③ of the famous “Speakers’ Corner”, has become a site where political gatherings and other mass④ rallies⑤ take place.


生词解析: 1. situated adj. 位于……的2. reign n. 统治(支配)时期3. locationn. 位置,场所

4. mass adj. 大规模的 5. rally n. 聚会

2. Big Ben(大本钟)

Big Ben, a nickname① for the huge hour bell high up in a tower affiliated② to the parliament building and dating from the year 1858, is also known as the Clock Tower of Palace of Westminster③. Sir Benjamin Hall, then in charge of engineering, supervised④ its construction⑤, hence⑥ the name of the clock. It weighs 14 tons, 95 meters in height and 7 meters in diameter⑦ of the clock plate, with a 2.75-meter-long hour hand and 4.27-meter-long minute hand, and the clock pendulum⑧ is as heavy as 305 kilograms. On each stroke, it produces a deep and sonorous⑨ sound. Radio sends the sound of the big clock to the rest of the world. The BBC began to broadcast the rings in 1924. Ever since,Big Ben has been a radio star.


生词解析: 1. nickname n. 昵称;别称2. affiliated adj. 附属于……之上的3. westminster n. 威斯敏斯特 4. supervise v. 监督5. construction n. 建造;建筑物 6. hence adv. 因此;由此7. diameter n. 直径8. pendulum n. 钟摆 9. sonorous adj. 铿锵的;雄浑的

3. Stonehenge(巨石阵)

This is an ancient monument① of huge stone standing on the vast Salisbury plains in England has captured② our imaginations③ for centuries. It’s the most enigmatic④ pre-historic⑤ monument on earth. What makes the structure at Stonehenge unique is the fact that for the first time they’re shaping stones on a massive⑥ scale. Dating back as far as 2950 B.C., theories about who built Stonehenge have included the druids and the Greeks. Speculation⑦ as to its purpose, range from astronomy⑧ to a UFO landing site. Now a ruin⑨ with many of the original stones fallen or removed, this site Sun attracts nearly five thousand tourists everyday.


生词解析:1. monument n. 遗迹;遗址2. capture v. 吸引,唤起3. imagination n. 想象力,想象4. enigmatic adj. 神秘的,费解的5. pre-historic adj. 史前的6. massive adj. 大规模的7. speculation n. 推测,猜测

8. astronomy n. 天文学9. ruin n. 毁坏,毁灭

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