
时间:2022-10-15 02:44:03


Do you often wonder if the adults in your life are really listening to you? Does it sometimes seem like they say no before you've even finished asking a question? From parents to teachers to coaches, adults can have a tendency not to listen to younger people, which is definitely frustrating! Not to worry, though—we can help! Here's how to get them to pay attention and even see things your way!


Mom & Dad 面对父母

Cell Phone Blues

You don't just want a cell phone, you NEED one ... but Mom and Dad don't think it's a good idea.

Instead of ...

"But everybody else has one!"

Try ...

Convincing your parents that having your own cell phone will actually benefit them! Not only will they always be able to find out where you are, but they'll also be able to contact you at all times—and in case of an emergency. That means you'll be safer, so they won't have to worry as much. Then you'll have to deal with their other concern: the cost. Offer to pay part of the monthly fee with your babysitting1) money or by doing extra chores around the house.

I Need IM2)!

You're the only one of your friends with no IM privileges3) ... talk about tragic!

Instead of ...

"All my friends think I'm such a loser because you won't let me IM."

Try ...

Proving to your parents that your homework always comes first. That way, they won't be quite so worried that it will become an obsession4). Give your word that you'll always make time for family activities, too. Assure your parents that they can see your buddy5) list, check in on your convos6) at any time, or even put a time limit on your IM-ing each night. (Remember, compromise7) is the name of the game8) ...)













Coaches 面对教练

A New Position

It's time for a change ... you're ready to play a new position on the team.

Instead of ...

"Why do you always make me play defense9)? I know I could score more goals than Alexis if you'd just give me her position."

Try ...

Watching the girls who play the position you'd like to try, so you can get the scoop10) on the skills you'll need to perfect. Then practice those moves every chance you get! At the next practice, tell the coach you're interested in trying a new position, and that you're willing to do whatever it takes to be good at it. If she gives you the opportunity, go all out11). If she doesn't agree right away, don't give up! Continue working on the skills you need, but don't give up on the position you play now. Prove that you're a team player with the moves for any position, and you'll get your dream spot!







Teachers 面对老师

Great Grades

You worked super hard on your Egyptian pyramids paper, but got stuck with just a B.

Instead of ...

"What in the world do you have to do to get an A around here? So not fair!"

Try ...

Scheduling an appointment with your teacher. It always helps to go straight to the teacher instead of stewing12) and steaming13) alone! Ask what you could have done to make the paper better, and listen carefully to what he says. Don't act upset or offended14) at his suggestions, either. If he doesn't want you to rewrite this paper, use the tips to improve your next one—and then totally ace it15)! You can always ask for extra credit to bring your grade up, too.







YOU'LL GET IT! No matter what the situation, your first step should be to try thinking like an adult. What would make them feel better about giving you what you're asking for? You want something that involves more responsibility? Think about ways you've already shown how responsible you are, and point them out. Show them that you're dedicated16) and will do anything to make it happen. And if you can show them that whatever it is you want will also benefit them—you've found your winning card!


2. IM: Instant Messenging,即时通讯,如MSN、QQ等

3. privilege [?pr?v?l?d?] n. 特权

4. obsession [?b?se?n] n. 着迷,着魔

5. buddy [?b?di] n. 好朋友

6. convo: (= conversation)谈话,对话

7. compromise [?k?mpr?ma?z] n. 妥协

8. name of the game: 最为重要的活动或思想

9. defense [d??fens] n. 【体】防守队员

10. scoop [sku?p] n. (局面或事件的)实质;详情

11. go all out: 全力以赴

12. stew [stju?] vi. 不安;担忧

13. steam [sti?m] vi. 生气,发怒

14. offend [??fend] vt. 冒犯,使生气

15. ace it: 得满分

16. dedicated [?ded?ke?t?d] adj. 一心一意的;热诚的

上一篇:学生数学学习习惯的培养探究 下一篇:关于生物教学中不确定性问题的确定