
时间:2022-10-12 10:14:39


Earth has terrible weather. Winds can blow you off a mountain top or rip[撕裂] the roof off your house. In some places, it rains so hard that you could drown. Some places get hot enough to fry your breakfast eggs on a rock…or cold enough to freeze the tears on your eyelashes[睫毛].

So, where else could we go in our solar system to have a nice vacation away from this wild Earth


Extremely Hot Venus[金星]

The hottest day that we know of on Earth was July 10th, 1913. On that day, Death Valley, California, reached 134. But compared

to Venus, that temperature is a cool breeze[微风]. The thick atmosphere[大气(层)]

of carbon dioxide[二氧化碳] on

Venus turns it into a greenhouse. The

atmosphere holds in the Sun’s heat and never lets the planet cool off, even at night. Surface

temperatures are almost 900- hot enough to melt lead[铅]!

As a vacation spot, Venus is definitely out.

So, where shall we go to cool off?

A Refreshing Mars Stop

How about Mars? It’s farther from the Sun than Earth is, and the air is very thin. So it will be cool and refreshing like on a mountain top, right?


Yes, it’s cool. The daytime, the temperature gets all the way up to 80. But at night, the temperature can drop to almost -200! On Mars, this sort of weather occurs all the time, swinging[摇摆]

from warmest to

coldest in one day!

Why such wild swings? The air (if you could call it that) on Mars is made mostly of carbon dioxide. But the air is so thin (less than 1/100 as thick as Earth’s air) that the heat from the daytime Sun escapes into space at night. This thin air can still kick up a huge dust storm. The whole planet can be wrapped[包起来]

in clouds of Martian[火星的] dust for weeks at a time. In calmer times, whirly[旋转的] winds stir up[搅起] the soil, making “dust devils[小风暴,尘卷]” that dance across the Martian surface.

So, Mars’ weather isn’t much fun either.

Skating Anyone?

If you’re going to be cold anyway, you can at least go somewhere with winter sporting opportunities. If you ice skate, how about Europa[木卫二]? Europa is one of the four largest moons of Jupiter[木星]. It’s

a little smaller than Earth’s Moon, but it’s covered in ice - smooth ice! Its gravity is only about 1/8 of Earth’s, so imagine

the height you could get on a triple


Unfortunately, with Europa temperatures around -328, you would be frozen hard as a rock in a nanosecond[十亿分之一秒].

Well, our search for better weather in the

solar system isn’t looking


A Long Hurricane Season

Perhaps you’ve always wondered what it would be like to be inside a hurricane. On Earth, the strongest ever recorded hurricane winds blew at around 200 miles per hour. Well, Jupiter’s Great Red Spot注 would give you a whirlwind[旋风]

ride like you would never find on Earth. Counter-

clockwise[反时针方向] winds of about 250 miles per hour blow clouds high in Jupiter’s atmosphere into a beautiful, swirling pattern. The Red Spot could swallow up two whole Earths. This storm has been raging[狂吹] for at least 300 years!

But even 250 miles per hour is a gentle breeze compared to our next stop.

Breezy - but Beautiful!

Saturn[土星] is so beautiful from Earth with its lovely rings and bands of clouds. Those clouds are moving at

different speeds - of around 1,100 miles per hour! Some blow

eastward, some blow westward. Oh, and it’s cold on Saturn too, although not quite as cold as Europa. Then there’s the small problem that it’s a gas giant, so there’s no solid ground to stand upon.

Land of Lakes

Now Saturn’s moon Titan[土卫六], at first glance, looks promising. It’s the second largest moon in the solar system. Titan is covered in thick, hazy[雾蒙蒙的] clouds. So, does it rain on Titan? Let’s dive under the clouds and see. Oh, look - lakes! Liquid lakes! Does that mean it’s

warm enough for water to be a liquid? Alas, no. The lakes are filled not with water, but with liquid methane[甲烷] or ethane[乙烷].

We have methane here on Earth too, but as a gas - sometimes known as marsh gas[沼气]. To “freeze” into a liquid and rain out of the clouds on Titan, the methane must be colder than -296.5.

Oops! Clouds, rain, and pretty lakes are no

guarantee[保证] of a friendly, Earth-like environment.

So let’s keep going.

The Windiest

We’ll just skip Uranus[天王星], because it’s

another really windy gas giant. Neptune[海王星]’s winds are the fastest in the solar system, reaching 1,600 miles per hour! Neptune has been known to have giant, spinning storms that could swallow the whole Earth.

The Iciest

One of Neptune’s moons, Triton[海卫一], might be worth checking out. At least it’s solid and it has an atmosphere - barely. And its atmosphere even has something in common

with Earth’s. It is mostly

nitrogen[氮]. Triton’s unique ice

volcanoes[火山] might make it a fascinating tourist stop. However, with a surface

temperature of -391, this moon is one of the coldest

objects in the solar system!

Let’s Go Home!

Well, Earth is starting to look like an ideal vacation

spot, in spite of its “wild weather.” Earth isn’t the only planet with weather, but it’s by far got the best.







































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