
时间:2022-10-10 06:49:17


Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay stood on top of the world. Around them spread the snow-covered 1)ridges and peaks of the Himalayas. The explorers had conquered Everest, the highest of the mountain 2)range’s peaks.

Sir Edmund Percival Hillary died on January 11th at the age of 88, almost 55 years after the 3)ascent that made him and Tenzing two of the great heroes of the 20th century.

4)Humble Beginnings

Hillary grew up in Tuakau, New Zealand, a small town about 30 miles south of Auckland. His father, Percival, a strict man, edited the local newspaper. His mother, Gertrude, was a teacher.

Hillary studied law for two years, but left to work with his father as a beekeeper. Except for the last two years of World War II, when he served as a 5)navigator, Hillary worked as a beekeeper until 1970. He enjoyed skiing and hiking in the hills outside. As his climbing skills improved, he visited the New Zealand Alps in the South Island, a mountain range that reaches more than 12,300 feet. “I didn’t 6)visualize myself becoming a famous 7)mountaineer,” he explained later. “It happened gradually. Very few (people) suddenly decide they’re going to be a world champion at something.”

The Adventures Begin

After World War II, the 8)lure of the mountains grew stronger. In 1950, Hillary climbed the Swiss and Austrian Alps and a year later joined a New Zealand 9)expedition to the Himalayas. “I was very impressed,” he recalled of his first view of the 10)towering mountain range. Hillary was quickly becoming known as a talented climber.

At the end of 1951, Hillary joined a British Everest 11)Reconnaissance expedition and a year later was invited on another British expedition, this time to Cho Oyu, another mountain also in Nepal. Now 32, Hillary was reaching his peak as a mountaineer.

The 12)Summit Grows Closer

Although many had tried, no team had managed to conquer Everest. Between 1921 and 1953, eight major expeditions had 13)attempted the climb, mostly from the north through Tibet. All had failed, with some 16 deaths.

After World War II, several factors combined to make the climber’s job slightly easier. Nepal opened its doors to western expeditions, who discovered more 14)accessible 15)routes. Improvements in clothing and equipment helped 16)dull the freezing temperatures and 17)assisted breathing at high 18)altitude. 19)Nepalese Sherpas注, experienced climbers, were 20)recruited to help western adventurers.

Step by step, the summit grew closer. In 1952, Swiss climber Raymond Lambert and Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay reached around about 27,100 feet on Everest. That was the highest anyone had ever climbed.


The following year, a British expedition led by Colonel John Hunt had begun establishing several camps up Everest. In May, they were ready for an attempt. Tom Bourdillon and Charles Evans made the first attempt on May 26th. They got within 300 feet of their goal before being forced back. Three days later, Hillary and Tenzing set out in fine weather from their ridge camp at 27,900 feet. At 11:30 AM, after a five-hour climb, they reached the summit of Mount Everest: 29,028 feet above sea level. “My initial feelings were of 21)relief,” wrote Hillary in 1953.

Success was theirs! Even before the expedition had reached base camp, news of their success had made London in time for Queen Elizabeth II’s

22)coronation. The Queen 23)knighted Hillary, and New Zealand’s Prime Minister accepted the title 24)on his behalf. For New Zealand, with a population of less than two million, the achievement confirmed its proud place in the British Empire and marked an important step in its own history.

A Life of Adventure and Service

Through the years, Hillary’s passion for adventure remained unchanged. In 1958, he became the first person ever to reach the South Pole in a 25)motorized 26)vehicle. In 1968, he took a jet boat through the wild rivers of Nepal. And, in 1977, he traveled up the Ganges, in India, again in a jet boat.

Beginning in 1962, Hillary began working with the Nepalese Sherpas, the people who had so often helped him. Raising funds through his Himalayan Trust, he helped 27)install bridges and pipes, built nearly 30 schools, two hospitals, 12 medical clinics, two mountaineering clinics, restored 28)monasteries and planted more than a million seedlings in and around the towns of the poor Solu-Khumbu 29)region of Nepal.

Much of the last years of his life were dedicated to the work of the Trust, which opened offices in New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Britain and Germany. Even into his 70s, Hillary spent an average of five months away from New Zealand every year, raising money through lectures and visiting the projects in Nepal. “I would like to see myself not going (to Nepal) quite so often,” he said. “But at the moment...the 30)responsibility is there. It has to be done.”

Hillary always said that his image was largely a media creation. “I never deny the fact that I think I did pretty well on Everest,” he told a reporter in 1992. “But I was not the heroic figure the media and the public made me out to be.”

The first man to stand on top of the world didn’t see himself as a hero. Others will.























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