
时间:2022-10-20 10:21:28

Host: She’s sold over 20 million albums worldwide, has won many different awards.

Hostess: Not only does she sings beautifully and knows how to play the piano, she’s also the songwriter of her own songs.

Host: The person we’re talking about is the talented Alicia Keys.

Hostess: We’re at the interview with her in Hong Kong and got to know her a little bit more.

She’s beautiful; she’s talented. The nine-time Grammy

Award winner Alicia Keys has some incredible[非凡的]

musical gifts. Being one of the most successful singer-songwriters in her generation, Alicia manages to capture the old-school vibe[(非正式)电颤琴] and collaborated in[协作] her keyboard for some rich, powerful music.

Q: Hello Alicia. Welcome back to Hong Kong.

A: Thank you.

Q: So it’s been four years since you released an

album, so why the time?

A: You know, it’s…it’s an interesting process, and when you release an album you start with about six months worth of promo[宣传活动]. And then I’m fortunate

to be an artist that is able to tour. So I toured for a good two and a half years. So already that brings us till 2006. And then I did two films. You know…had some time that I had to take to…to be with my family, and to just have time off and not to be always doing something. And then you have to write a new album. So it takes time to put it all together, you know. But it’s

…but it’s been an incredible experience, and I’ve learned so much, and I feel like taking my time with making this next record made it an incredible record, so it’s worth the wait.

Q: Okay, so how is this record different from your

previous ones?

A: It’s different because I’m different, you know…just more aware of myself as a woman, as a person. I’m

definitely a better songwriter and better musician, better producer better all around. I think that you will definitely see that with the arrangements on this record the sounds, the music. You, you’ll feel the growth. My voice has grown; everything’s grown. So

it’s just…it’s just me and who you love and who you know, but it’s the even better version.














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