
时间:2022-10-03 03:17:50


摘 要 与我国测绘地理信息产业的高速发展同步,云南省测绘地理信息产业迅速发展。调研显示,高职院校相关专业人才培养远远不

>> 高校测绘地理信息类专业双语教学存在的问题 地理信息测绘环境分析 刍议测绘与空间地理信息 测绘地理信息应用与服务 高职院校交通类专业学生顶岗实习的现状调查与分析 房地产测绘与地理信息集成系统分析 关于测绘地理信息建设的分析 新课标下高中“地理信息技术”教学现状的调查分析 国内地理信息系统(GIS)专业的就业现状分析 地理信息测绘环境浅析 测绘地理信息的建设研究 旅游类专业地理信息系统课程教学改革框架的建构 安徽地理信息产业现状分析与发展构想 数字地球地理空间框架建设与测绘地理信息技术的探索 浅谈测绘地理信息类《专业英语》教学实践 探讨测绘和基础地理信息技术标准现状 高职工科类专业学生使用QQ空间现状调查分析 MapGis地理信息系统现状与展望 高职院校土建类专业“双师”队伍建设现状调查与思考 地理信息系统在测绘中的应用分析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.


[6] 张东明, 吕翠华. 高职高专测绘类专业目录设置和调整研究[J].测绘通报,2010(5):75-78.

Abstract Synchronization with the rapid development of surveying and mapping geographic information industry in China, Yun’nan provincial surveying and mapping geographic information industry develops rapidly. Research shows that relevant professional personnel training in higher vocational colleges can’t satisfy the requirements of industry development in Yun’nan province, talent issue has become the bottleneck which restricts the development of the industry. Therefore, it is suggested for the education administrative department to formulate the preferential policy about surveying and mapping geographic information specialties, release talent demand report regularly, and build the vocational education“overpass”for surveying and mapping specialties, expand the students’growth space; meanwhile, higher vocational colleges should timely adjust and set up specialties, and strengthen the innovation entrepreneurship education for surveying and mapping specialties.

Key words higher vocational colleges; surveying and mapping geographic information; specialty setting; talent cultivation

Author Zhang Dongming, professor of Kunming Metallurgy College(Kunming 650033); Lv Cuihua, associate professor of Kunming Metallurgy College; Ma Juan, Yang Yongping, Chen Guoping, Kunming Metallurgy College

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