
时间:2022-04-13 10:20:06


摘 要 基于上海市中高职教育贯通培养模式的试点经验,建议将现有的中高职教育贯通培养模式的一年甄别、三年转段,改为两年甄

>> 考试招生制度改革的实践探索:高职院校自主招生 中高职贯通培养模式的研究 对中高职贯通专业人才培养方案的制度分析 自主招生制度改革不能因噎废食 浅谈推进考试招生制度改革 深化考试招生制度改革 中高等职业教育贯通培养模式的制度与实践 中高职贯通教育培养模式的思考与实践 中高职贯通培养过程中语文课程研究与实践 中高职人才培养衔接贯通模式的实践探索 我国高职招生考试制度改革刍议 教育部:推进高职考试招生制度改革等 基于学习成绩的高职单独招生制度改革研究 高职考试招生制度改革的现状与趋势研究 民办高职院校应对高考招生制度改革的若干思考お 加快推进高职院校分类考试 深化考试招生制度改革 中高职教育衔接贯通及协调发展的探索与实践 新课程下中考招生制度改革的探索与实践 中高职贯通培养模式下学生特点及管理设想 中高职贯通人才培养方案制定及对策研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[2]陆梓华,焦苇. 中职毕业生七成就业三成升学[EB/OL]. (2012-04-19)[2013-03-30]. http:///html/2012-04/19/content_6_1.htm.

On the Practice and Reform of Enrollment System of Integration of Secondary and Higher Vocational Education

——The Case of Shanghai

FU Jian-dong

(Higher Technical College, Shanghai Commercial College, Shanghai 200235, China)

Abstract The training mode to connect secondary and tertiary vocational education has been experimented for over three years in Shanghai. Based on the experience of Shanghai, the paper put forward the following suggestions: change the current linkage model of secondary and higher vocational education of selecting after one year and transforming after three years into the following model: selecting after two years, and then the secondary vocational students can transform to higher vocational schools; further expand the power of school, and higher vocational colleges sign credit recognition contracts with one or more secondary vocational schools, and the two or multi-side can determine enrollment standard on common will; carry out independent enrollment model in higher vocational colleges, current or previous secondary vocational graduates can applied for one or more higher vocational colleges, etc.

Key words integration of secondary and higher vocational education; enrollment system; independent enrollment; Shanghai

上一篇:基于“行动导向”的《公共关系学》课程教学改... 下一篇:高职院校学生增值性评价实施方案研究