
时间:2022-04-03 09:58:41


在英语中,表示“让步”除了用常见的but,though, although, as 等连词之外,还可以使用其他一些形式来表达,这在平时的阅读和翻译中应引起注意。


and 连接的并列句有时也有让步的意义,主要通过两个分句的语意对比而体现出来。如:

1.He tried haard in the new experiment and he failed. 虽然他在新实验中努力工作,但还是失败了。

2.I cannot keep these flowers alive and I have watered them well. 虽然我一直细心地浇水,可是这些花还是没活。


有些“动词原形+连词(who, what, when, where, how等)”构成的祈使结构常含有让步意义,相当于“no matter+疑问词”或“疑问词+ever+may...”所表示的让步含义。此结构比though,although表示出更强的让步之意,主句与从句的对立更加明显。如:

1.Look where you will,you see nothing like him. (=Wherever you may look, ...)无论你到哪里,都找不到他那样的人。

2.I shall have to buy the new house,cost what it may. (=No matter what it may cost,...)无论花多少钱,我非买这座新房子。



1.The children insisted on going traveling,which they had no much money.学生们坚持要去旅游,尽管他们没有多少钱。

2.Students,who had carefully read through the instructions before making the experiment,could not obtain satisfactory result, because they did them first.虽然学生们做实验前仔细地看了说明书,但由于第一次做,所以不能得到满意的结果。


when通常引导时间状语从句, 但有时还可引导让步状语从句,此时相当于although。如:

1.She paid when she could have entered free.虽然她可以免费入场,但她还是付了钱。

2.He came to help us when he had plenty of work to do.尽管他有许多工作要做,但是还来帮我们。


有时if 引导的不是条件状语从句,此时if 相当于even if , 但语气较弱, 应注意与 if 条件状语从句加以区别。如:

1.If too old to work much, the retired worker is very enthusiastic about neighborhood affairs.虽因年老不能多操劳,但这位退休工人对邻里工作非常热心。(作条件句,意思讲不通。)

2.If he is little, he is strong . 他年纪虽小,但力气倒大。(作条件句,意思讲不通。)

另外,这种用法和if 条件句一样,也有省略if 的主谓倒装形式。如:

1.Had he been alive, we shouldn’t have seen him.即使他还活在世上,我们也见不着他了。

2.Had I enough money,I would not buy it.纵然我有足够的钱,我也不会去买它。



1.Disappointed, Grace followed still.格瑞丝虽然已经失望,但仍然在后面追赶。

Disappointed, Grace did not follow again.因为格瑞丝已经失望,所以就不再追赶了。

2.Born of the same parents,he bears no resemblance to his brother.虽然是同一父母所生,他和他的弟弟毫无相似之处。

Born of the same parents,he bears a strong resemblance to his brother.由于是同一父母所生,他和他的弟弟特别相似。

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