
时间:2022-09-30 08:40:29



So Toyota is in a bit of a tailspin[陷入困境] right now.

Car Saleswoman A: It’s a major safety concern.

News Report: It is a public relations nightmare.

Car Saleswoman B: The gas pedal[脚踏板]...

This is a sort of global press that attacks the core of Toyota’s identity. The worldwide recall for sticking accelerator pedals will cost the automaker hundreds of millions to fix, and millions more in the damage to its reputation for quality. But Toyota is just the latest Japanese corporate icon to lose its way[迷路,走失].

Remember the Sony Walkman? Well, no one in the era of the Apple iPod and iPhone does either. Sony was once the giant in personal gadgets[小玩意].

But analysts widely agree it

became too big, too corporate, and lost its focus.

Japan Airlines also grew and grew so much that its expenses

gobbled up[吞噬] its profits.

Corporate inflexibility, which led to planes with empty seats flying all over Japan, helped knock the once-proud airline into bankruptcy just a few weeks ago注, making it one of the country’s biggest ever corporate failures.

Lah: Do you see Japanese companies being as strong today right now, as they were five…ten years ago?

Timothy Kirkwood: I’d say, across the

board[全面], no.

Tokyo based financial advisor Timothy

Kirkwood has seen the booms and busts of

Japan’s economy. In recent years, companies like Toyota focus on global expansion and branding and let go of what it’s known for.

Kirkwood: There has been some outward-

looking[外向型的] management that has enjoyed the success of the global…let’s say, the global

consumer spending boom that we’ve seen during

the good times. But I think they were overly

exposed to the downside. And I think that’s what’s causing the problems in Japan right now.

It’s happening as neighbor China is seeing an expanding economy, set to overtake Japan this year. China is proving it can make Japan-like gadgets and cars cheaper.

But as Nintendo has proven, Japan can be the world’s capital of quality, innovation[创新] and ingenuity[聪明才智], hard to copy anywhere in the world.

Analysts believe Toyota can take the knocks[遭受挫折] and recover, as long as Tokyo’s boardroom takes a hard look[极其慎重地考虑] at itself and gets back to basics[回归本源].
















注:2010年1月19日,日本航空公司正式向东京地方法院申请破产保护,其核心子公司日航国际和金融子公司JAL Capital也在申请之列,将同总公司一起接受破产重组。这成了日本历史上最大的破产案之一。

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