
时间:2022-09-25 10:50:19



Confectionery manufacturers must be marvelling at[对……惊讶] their chocolate box balance sheets[资产负债表] in the middle of the economic downturn[衰退]. That’s because sales of chocolate products are up.

Chocoholics have pushed one UK company’s profits up 25%. In Syria, one of the largest producers has increased sales over the past six years from 150 packs a day to more than a million.

Analyst[分析家] Marcia Mogelonsky from Mintel said: “Unlike a lot of other foodstuffs chocolate is somewhat recession-resistant[抗衰退]. Consumers will turn to chocolate as a reward or a treat.”

The scrumptious and widely-available snack has come a long way[取得很大进步] from its origins in the jungles[丛林] of Central and South America. The seeds of the cocoa tree fruit were used by the Mayan and Aztec civilisations as currency[货币].

Then, the cocoa beans were used to produce a spicy, rather bitter drink for special occasions. The beverage reached Europe thanks to the Spanish adventurer Hernán Cortés and landed on the tables of kings and queens.

The first chocolate bars didn’t have the yummy, velvety taste they have today. In the 1840s, they were a coarse mixture of cocoa powder and sugar with a little of the melted cocoa butter extracted from the beans.

Choccy bars, biscuits and drinks that satisfy even the most sweet-toothed consumer are within the reach of most people. But there are those who can’t resist a little extravagance[奢侈]. This week, British businessman Carl Weininger tucked into a £22,000 (218,000 yuan) chocolate-laced pudding that included champagne jelly[果子冻] and edible gold leaf. It was eaten with a gold spoon set with diamonds.







巧克力条、巧克力饼干和巧克力饮料不仅可以满足嗜甜如命的消费者,而且大多数人都买得起。可是也有一些人抵抗不住一点点的奢侈。本周,英国商人卡尔・威宁格吃掉了价值22000 英镑(合人民币218000元)的巧克力布丁,这个布丁含有香槟酒冻和可食用的金叶。他是用一个镶嵌着钻石的金汤匙将它吃掉的。

Quiz 小测验


1. Chocolate sales across the Middle East are up. Is this statement true, false or not given?

2. How do consumers see chocolate, according to an analyst quoted in the article?

3. Has chocolate always tasted sweet?

4. What expressions refer directly to cocoa in the article?

5. What phrasal verb is used to mean to eat something with eagerness in the article?

上一篇:实用句型大盘点:请求帮助 下一篇:肮脏的小秘密