
时间:2022-08-25 05:21:02



>> 男神承包户唐嫣 集体公益林采伐限额管理制度的不足与完善 林改后如何加强集体公益林的管理 集体林权制度改革后生态公益林的管护工作探讨 林改后集体公益林经营管理面临的问题及对策 生态公益林与生态平衡的研究 浅论县级生态公益林的经营与管护 生态公益林的保护与管理措施 关于冕宁县集体公益林补偿工作的思考 浅谈生态公益林的管理 生态公益林经营的思考 公益林区发展林下经济的探索与思考 浅谈公益林与商品林的经营策略 分析市场经济条件下的生态公益林的建设 中国公益林补偿的经济学分析 生态公益林对城市经济发展的影响 浅谈增创公益林经济效益 浅析冕宁县集体公益林补偿兑现及管护中的问题和对策 论岩樟乡生态公益林管理的对策与建议 广东省生态公益林管理信息系统的研制与开发 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.



赵云峰,侯铁珊,徐大伟. 2012.生态补偿银行制度的分析:美国的经验及其对我国的启示[J].生态经济(6):3437,41.

Bottleneck and Breakthrough for Economic Right Guarantee

of Contracted Households of Collective ForestWU Nan

(Anhui Academy of Social Sciences, Anhui Hefei 230053, China)

Abstract: China’s collective forest right reform aims to realize ecological civilization and to increase the income of forest farmers, therefore, the commodity forest and publicbenefiting forest with collective ownership are brought into forest right system reform, however, publicbenefiting forest takes more ecological function so that the contracted rights of the households for publicbenefiting forest are limited accordingly. Currently, the bottleneck for contracted households of collective publicbenefiting forest to realize their economic rights is the contradiction between marketoriented forms and planningeconomic system, the contradiction between economic development and environment protection and the contradiction between policy demand and policy shortage, as a result, China should face the national situation, clarify legal borders, emphasize benefit coordination, and realize collaborative development between economy and ecology as well as society by implementing main body reform, by deepening matched reform, by perfecting forest ecological benefit compensation system and by legally protecting the economic rights of contracted households of the publicbenefiting forest.

Key words:collective forest right reform; publicbenefiting forest; contracted business right; economic right; developmentstyle environment exploitation right; environment right; forest ecological benefit compensation; supervision on publicbenefiting forest

CLC number:F326.22;DF463Document code:AArticle ID:16748131(2014)03004007

上一篇:本院儿科住院患者用药现状及分析 下一篇:比特币市场发展阶段分析与反思