
时间:2022-04-08 06:39:16


“语法依然是中国基础英语教学的必要内容。《普通高中英语课程标准》指出,课堂教学活动的设计应有利发挥学生的创造力和想象力,应增加开放性的任务型活动和探究性的学习内容,使学生有机会表达自己的看法和观点,提倡体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和采用任务型语言教学途径。在高中英语任务型语法教学中,教师的设计质量无疑对语法教学活动的开展,语法教学的效果具有较大的影响。由于执教者设计的水平不同,学生学习的效果也就出现了较大的差异:有的语法课堂如同一个充满磁力的“场” 学生学习参与度高,思想活跃,感悟深刻,语法掌握程度好;有的语法课由于设计不合理,脱离生活,重难点没有梯度,学生参与度不高,最后变成了执教者的一言堂,学生只是听客或看客而已。



根据人教必修3Unit4 Astronomy的语法内容是主语从句,笔者采用师生谈话方式导入,吸引学生的学习兴趣,为后续语法活动学习做好铺垫。根据学生对科幻小说感兴趣,但苦于没有足够的科幻书籍的学情,课堂伊始,笔者问了学生3个问题。

① We have known something about Astronomy from the first reading in Unit 4.Do you like reading science fictions in your spare time?

② Do you have enough materials to read?

③ Is it a good idea to set up a small “Library Corner”(图书角) in our classroom?


S1: How do we set up the Library Corner?

S2: We have no money.

S3: Wedo nothaveenoughbooks. 教师边听边在黑板上板书

1. How we set up a Corner library needs to be discussed.

2. What we need is money.

3. That we don’t have enough books is a big problem for us now.

T: By studying Subject clauses we are sure to get some ideas about the Library Corner in this class.

[评析] 在传统的语法课中,教师往往先介绍本课的主要内容,接着便出现语法形式,这种导入方式单一,不利于激发学生的求知欲望。在导入环节,教师不妨结合学生的身边事、困难事、高兴事作为话题,通过贴近学生生活,生活化的问题引出语法内容并与学生进行有意义的交流,激发学生参与讨论、解决问题的欲望。生活化的导入使学生渴求探索正确的语言形式,以准确表达自己的思想和见解。



Task 1:Find out the subject

1. He is the tallest student in our class.

2. Reading is good for us.

3. To know something about the universe is important.

4. Whose idea is the best is unknown.

5. That he finished the task in such a short time surprised us all.

6. Whom we must ask help from is a question of great importance.


Task 2: The connected words to introduce the subject clause.

1. Choose the right words for these sentences.

1)Nanshan Forest Park is a good place for relaxing is known to all in Yunfu. (that / who)

2)he had an amber remained a mystery (whether / if)

2. Fill in the blanks with proper connected words.

1)was responsible for the project is not yet clear.

2)the teacher said today was quite interesting.

3)dictionary has not been found is still unknown.

4)comes is welcome

5)they will set off has not been decided yet.

6)he comes from still puzzles all of us

7)he can finish the homework in such a short time is still a mystery.


Task 3: the formal subject “it” in a sentence with a subject clause.

1. More sentence patterns by using “it” in a sentence with a subjectclause.

1) It is certain that he will win the match.

2) It is true that we need a lot of science fiction books.

3) It is very likely that they will hold a meeting.

2. Translation






Task 4: Correct the following sentences.

1) Good books are important is common knowledge.

2) If she’s coming the meeting or not does not matter.

3) That the teacher said is of great importance.

4) Where will the meeting be held have not been decided.

5) This is said that we have won the basketball match。

[评析] 笔者设计的找出句子的主语、选择连接词、填连接词、翻译和改错这4个多样化的练习任务,由浅入深,由易到难,为学生搭建了掌握主语从句“脚手架”,引导学生从一级接一级的任务中体验和实践,自主观察,识别语法现象,从中发现和归纳主语从句运用的规律,从而掌握主语从句的要点,重点和难点。这些阶梯性练习任务设计符合学生的心理认知特点,让学生从阶梯性练习任务中不断获得知识和得出结论,找到解决问题、收获知识的成功感,有利于树立学生学习英语语法的信心。



Task 5:Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

Boys and girls;

It is known to allwe need a lot of science fiction books to read. So we thinkclear that we should depend on ourselves to set up Library Corner. We are thinking of holding a meeting in our class.We plan to do is quite clear.to collect books for us andthe meeting will be heldto be discussed.is possible that it’ll be held on May 2 in the lecture hall.is responsible the corner library needs discussing. Welcome to our meeting!

[评析] 语法教学的目的并非只是为了“知”, 更重要的是“用”,即培养学生灵活运用语言的能力,使他们学会用语法做事。新课程重视语言输入的同时,注重让学生学习,掌握和积累与某一任务或话题相关的词汇和语篇材料,使学生在语境中不断感知,运用,归纳和总结,增强英语语感,为真实的交际做好铺垫和准备。


Task 6: Ask and answer the following questions inpairs then give a report:

What have you learned in this class?

What can you do for our Library Corner?

Suggested structures:

What my classmate has learned in this class is Subject Clause. What he / she can do for our Library Corner is collecting some fiction novels.

[评析] 学生在教师的引导下与同学互动交流,即小结了本堂课所学习的内容,也为导入中Library Corner的建立展示了学生的主意和创意。学生在在交际中感知和理解了主语从句的语法形式和表意功能,输出含有目标语法的句子,既运用了语法知识,又培养了交际能力,在交际中感知和理解语法形式的表意功能,真正实现了Learning for using。

上一篇:高中英语活动中常见的五个问题及对策 下一篇:难忘的“跳蚤市场”