
时间:2022-10-27 01:40:43


委婉语和典故是人类文明进程中语言发展的必然产物。什么是委婉语 (euphemism)? euphemism一词最初源于希腊 (Greece),其中的“eu”意为“好”,“pheme”意为“话语”,ism是名词词尾,故euphemism为“委婉说法;婉言,雅语”之意。A euphemism is the substitution of a mild, indirect, inoffensive, relatively uncontroversial phrase for another more frank expression that might be considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.即尽量使用温和的、间接的、不得罪人而且相对无争议的言语来表达不雅的、粗鲁的、直率而又不得罪人的言语。为何要学会使用委婉语呢?委婉语是社会关系以及人际关系的调和剂,是一种创新的语言表现形式。而典故的应用能表现出言语的具体、形象和生动,属于语言的艺术加工范畴。了解一定量的委婉语寻求理想的交际效果,在英语中的广泛应用有利于语言更文明 (more civilized)、有利于社会交往 (more sociable),有利于打造更加和谐的 (more harmonious) 的社会群体。毋庸置疑,委婉语及其典故对我们理解英语内涵,学好英语,用好英语有着很大的帮助 (beneficial)。


委婉语是一种言语的修辞手法,折射出文化内涵、尊重之情及友谊之光,应用得巧妙且得当,能反射出一个人的文化层次、语言情操及道德修养,让人产生美的享受,耐人寻味。因此,学生们有必要在平时多了解并掌握英语中委婉语的用法。请看《牛津词典》例句:The prison camps were euphemistically called “retraining centers”. 战俘营被委婉地称作“再训练中心”。“User fees” is just a politicians euphemism for taxes. “用户费”不过是政治家对“税款”的委婉说法。委婉语有以下四大特点:


在日常交际时一定要学会使用客气的语言委婉地表示自己的想法,以展示自己的绅士风度和文化功底。如:Will / Would you please do me a favor? 请您帮我个忙,好吗? I wonder if I could use your cell phone? 我可以用下您的手机吗? Might I carry the luggage for you? 我是否可以帮您提包呢?Shall we go outing this weekend? 我们周末去郊游,可以吗?


不同语言中的委婉语体现着不同民族的文化色彩。例如,“Pass away” is a euphemism for “die”.“辞世”是“死”的委婉说法。“去上厕所”不必直说 go to the toilet;go to the men / ladies room可说成to see man about a horse;to powder her nose;to freshen up;to relieve oneself;because nature calls等。


委婉语相当于中国的忌讳或者借代之类的意思,就是用其它词含蓄的表达情感。形容某人懒惰 (lazy) 时说underachiever。表达某人作弊 (cheat) 说depend on others to do his or her work.家庭妇女housewife说成 household executive;无线电修理工 (radio electrician) 说成radio doctor;老人 (old people) 说成senior citizens;清洁工 (garbage collector) 说成sanitary engineer.


Queens English指 (集合了全球英语的优点的) 标准英语,国际英语普通话。

cry for the moon 指“想做做不到的事;想要要不到的东西”。如:

The little boy often cried for the moon. 小男孩经常想要得不到的东西。

turn the corner表达“渡过难关;出现新局面”的含义。

She was once seriously ill but seems to have turned the corner now. 她曾病得很重,但现在看上去已好转了。

sit on a volcano意为“危机暗伏,处境危险”。

Gaddafi sat on a volcano when NATO was trying to track him down. 卡扎菲感到处境危险,因为北约正在设法追踪他。

drive home可表示“把 (知识、原理等) 讲透彻”。

The question is so important that the teacher tries every means to drive it home. 这个问题如此重要,老师试用各种方法把它讲解清楚。


典故中出现的人、物和事的原形往往出自文学作品 (literature or works of art)、宗教(religion)、传说 (stories)、历史 (history) 和现实生活 (real life)。每个典故的背后都有着怎样的故事或背景呢? 这实在是个有趣的话题。如“Shylock”指贪婪、残忍、追求钱财、不择手段的守财奴;“Uncle Tom”指逆来顺受的人,尤指黑人。传说及神话也是英语典故的来源,如“a Pandora box”、“Achilles heel”、“a Herculean task”.《圣经》中的某些人物和事件也演变成了英语典故,如“a Solomon”、“a kiss of death”、“a Judas”.某些英语典故来自体育运动项目,特别是一些美国英语典故,与美国流行的棒球和橄榄球运动有关,如“to have two strikes against one”转义为“处境不利、形势不妙”。as American as apple pie用来强调某物像苹果派一样是典型的美国式。典故应用举例如下,请欣赏。


1. ― Im sure to win the prize. Im going to buy a new car with the money. 我肯定会获奖的。我要用这笔钱买辆新车。

― Dont count your chickens. 别指望得太早。

2. The smoking gun was the lipstick on his Tshirt. 他T恤上的口红就是铁证。

3. The manager always went the extra mile in order to satisfy his customers. 经理总是多干工作以满足顾客的需要。

4. The applicants look so worried because they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. 申请者看起来很着急因为他们正在等着公布结果。

5. This new plan of hers is not worth the candle, I think. 我想她的这项新方案不值得实施。

6. All his opponents went down before him like ninepins. 所有对手都被他打得落花流水。

7. That guy doesnt have a good reputation of play fast and loose with the girls around him.那家伙名声不好,对待他周围的女孩们朝三暮四。

8. She would always give anyone a leg up when someone is in difficulty. 她总是给任何有困难的人提供帮助。

9. I had butterflies in my stomach when I went to the stage this morning. 今天上午我登台时心里很紧张。

10. Such a good chance comes once in a blue moon. 这样好的机会极其难得。

11. We were caught with our pants down when the physics teacher gave us a pop quiz today.今天物理老师搞突击考试时,我们都被弄得措手不及。

12. When in trouble, these fairweather friends of him always leave him holding the bag. 遇到麻烦时,他的这些酒肉朋友总是弃他而去。

13. Jane pulled strings and got us two theater tickets. 简走了后门,为我们搞到了两张戏票。

14. Just follow your nose until you reach the second crossroad, and then turn left. 照直走,走到第二个交叉路口左转。

15. Itll be cheaper to use real leather in the long run. 使用真皮革最终还是便宜的。

16. Mary claims that men are all twotimers. 玛丽说男人都是朝三暮四的家伙。

17. He had few friends due to the fact that he was a sponger. 他几乎没有朋友是因为他是个爱占别人便宜的家伙。

18. Joe was as high as a kite, so he couldnt drive any more. 乔喝高了,不能再开车了。




a catch22 situation (第二十二条军规式的处境,指不可摆脱的困境);a good Samaritan (乐善好施之人);a Herculean task (艰巨的任务);dark horse (黑马);Mickey Mouse course (容易的事);Jonah (带来厄运的人);a Prodigal Son (浪子回头);Daniel in the lions den (处于危险中的人)

Ive just graduated from an average college. It can be a 1to prepare for an interview. However, I think Im something of a 2 and often do much better than the expectation of others expect. I have belief in myself though I was not taking a3. My first interview is coming up and of course I feel a bit like 4. My friend David is a real 5. He has provided me with a great deal of advice. Choosing a good job seems like 6 to me. I dont deny that I have some shortcomings and maybe I was like 7 in the past, but I really want to change. I think I will be like 8 returning. Do believe me!

Key1) a Herculean task

2) dark horse

3) Mickey Mouse course

4) Daniel in the lions den

5) good Samaritan

6) a catch22 situation

7) Jonah

8) a Prodigal Son


















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