
时间:2022-10-27 11:38:42


I’ve always wanted to be a writer. But writing for me has been more than a professional 1)ambition. In my life it has been a 2)narcotic. Writing has eased the pain―3)genuine physical pain.

I grew up with 4)juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) which causes 5)persistent joint pain, and can 6)disrupt growth and bone development. Its sharp attacks could be 7)fleeting or prolonged, but when I was able to write―to pour out my feelings, my dreams, and my suffering on paper―the pain 8)subsided.

I remember the treatments clearly. My nostrils 9)retain the smell of alcohol 10)swabbed on my arms, legs, and 11)buttocks as nurses 12)jabbed me with needles. One by one they’d urge me to count to three. “Come on, say it with me: One! Two! Three! That’s it―it’s over. It wasn’t that bad, right?” Who were they kidding? Each visit to the doctor’s office 13)drained the life from me.

Back at home, my mother 15)peeled off my clothes. Each tug 16)intensified the pain, but I refused any pain pills. I wanted my mind absolutely clear when I wrote. I picked up the notebook on my bed.

February 2nd,

Today was something new. It was almost as if I experienced new pain. My leg feels on fire. There is a 17)throbbing ache. It sends shock waves through my entire body. I feel 18)deformed like some creature from outer space.

I continued writing in my notebook, 19)bracing it between my raised knees. The pain faded away. As I wrote, I felt the weight of the world being lifted off my shoulders. And just like that, the pain dissipated. I didn’t need any pills, I just needed my own pain relief drug: writing.

Writing was always there for me. Writing got me through the physical pain of my childhood. I remember wanting to 20)stomp, punch the walls, and scream 21)at the top of my lungs, “Why can’t I be normal like everyone else?!”

But instead of acting out violently, I turned my emotions toward my notebook. I even took it with me when I went to the eye doctor (because JRA could travel to the eyes and affect 22)vision, it was 23)mandatory for me to go to the eye doctor often). The doctor would put these drops in my eyes that would burn, and after five minutes my vision would go completely 24)blurry.

After the visit, my mother would hold my hand tightly and guide me down the stairs and the street because I was effectively blind for a short while. I would write in my notebook with my blurry vision. I couldn’t really make out the words and that would 25)frustrate me, but I’d just keep on writing.

Growing up with JRA, I was confused at times. Why was I going to the doctor every month, taking pills and 26)injections, while other kids were at the park or with their friends? Writing 27)presented me with an escape from these harsh realities. I would be 28)absent for a few brief moments, and when I returned I felt more powerful, less tense, less angry. I didn’t show my writing to anyone, but it strengthened me.

When I was 13, I moved to Serbia with my family. While we were living there, I 29)outgrew my JRA. I’m not sure if it went away on its own, or whether my health improved because I was outdoors more and eating healthier food. Whatever the reason, my JRA went away. My mother suggested I stop getting injections and see how things went. Finally, I started growing on my own and not from the 30)hormone shots I had to take every day.

I can’t explain how grateful I am that my JRA went away. I had become accustomed to monthly visits to the hospital and visits to the eye doctor every other month, to being extremely skinny and to seeing my mother in tears every time she injected me. I had gotten used to the everyday 31)burden of knowing that I was not a healthy, normal child. Now, all of a sudden I was a healthy teenager―eating normally, growing, and not taking any medicine whatsoever. I was happy, simply and 32)utterly happy that I was…free. I was free from the hospitals, doctors, medicine, injections, pain, everything. I was finally normal.

One thing, however, never changed: My notebook was always by my side. Writing was always there for me, lending a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, a 33)punching bag to hit, a place where nothing else mattered but my emotions being translated into words on paper. I no longer had to write to numb my physical pain, but I continued 34)soothing emotional pain with words. I wrote about teenage heartbreak, hurt, and 35)betrayal. I wrote about the fear of growing up, and my occasional wishes to stop time.

People have asked me, “Why would you want to become a writer? There’s no money in that field.”I give them a 36)blank look. A person who is doing what they love can greet the day with a smile. As a writer, I will be doing not only what I love, but what eases my pain and gives me a 37)refuge from the hardest things in life.















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