
时间:2022-08-11 03:41:37


Last July, France―including the City of Light―grew darker late at night as one of the world’s most comprehensive lighting 1)ordinances went into effect. From 1 a.m. to 7 a.m., shop lights are being turned off, and lights inside office buildings must be 2)extinguished within an hour of workers leaving the premises.

Until recently, efforts to restrain our use of light have been primarily in response to the 3)astronomical light pollution erasing starry nights. But researchers are increasingly focusing on the impacts of so-called 4)ecological light pollution, warning that disrupting these natural patterns of light and dark, and thus the structures and functions of 5)ecosystems, is having profound impacts.

The problem is worsening as China, India, Brazil, and numerous other countries are becoming increasingly affluent and urbanized. Satellite views of the Earth at night show vast areas of North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia glowing white, with only the world’s remotest regions―Siberia, the Tibetan 6)plateau, the Sahara Desert, the Amazon, and the Australian outback―still cloaked in darkness.

Technological advances such as LEDs, or light-emitting 7)diodes, can improve our ability to reduce and better regulate lighting, but these same new lights may actually make things worse because they contain heavy doses of a “bluerich” white light that is especially disruptive to 8)circadian rhythms.

Some 30 percent of 9)vertebrates and more than 60 percent of invertebrates are 10)nocturnal, and many of the rest are 11)crepuscular―active at dawn and dusk. All are potentially impacted by our 12)burgeoning use of artificial light, scientists say.

Every flip of a light switch contributes to altering ancient patterns of mating, migration, feeding, and 13)pollination, with no time for species to adapt. On the Caribbean island of 14)Tobago, a 2012 study of 15)leatherback turtles―a species that has roamed the Earth for 150 million years―found that “artificial lighting of the nesting beaches is the biggest threat to survival of 16)hatchlings and a major factor in declining leatherback turtle populations.”

Many migrating birds, drawn off-course by artificial light, join the breathtaking number―between 100 million and 1 billion―killed each year by 17)collisions with human-made structures. For moths, which help pollinate the world’s flora, our outdoor lights are irresistible flames, killing countless moths and other insects, with ripple effects throughout the food chain.

Of course, “humans are animals as well,”explains Steven Lockley of Harvard Medical School’s Division of Sleep Medicine, “and so when light/dark cycles mess up seasonal patterns of trees or breeding cycles of 18)amphibians, there’s no reason to think it’s not doing the same to us.”

As recently as 1980, humans were thought to be immune to the effects of artificial light at night. But continuing research has shown that nocturnal light disrupts our sleep, confuses our circadian rhythms―those 24-hour biological processes that regulate our body’s functions―and impedes the production of the hormone 19)melatonin at much lower levels than previously thought possible.

More and more of the light we see at night―whether it’s from electronic gadgets or outdoor lighting―is rich with the blue wavelengths most disruptive to our body’s rhythms. (More than any other wavelength, blue wavelength light tells our brain that night is over, that morning’s blue sky has returned, and that the day has begun―the opposite signal that we want to be sending our brain in the middle of the night.) Studies continue to suggest that the consequences of excessive exposure to light at night include an increased risk for obesity, diabetes, and 20)cardiovascular disease.

Last year, the American Medical Association issued a statement calling for increased research into the “risks and benefits of occupational and environmental exposure to light-at-night,” and recommending “new lighting technologies at home and at work that minimize circadian disruption.”

In fact, researchers are concerned about the impact of some new lighting technologies. While their capacity to be computer-controlled and directed could make LEDs a key tool in reducing light pollution, these lights may actually make things significantly worse. Touted as energy-efficient and clearer in color, most LEDs currently being installed are often brighter than the old lights they are replacing, further increasing light pollution. In fact, as explained in a recent article from the Journal of Environmental Management, LEDs could “21)exacerbate known and possible unknown effects of light pollution on human health (and the) environment” by more than five times.

In the Journal of Applied Ecology, researchers have identified numerous practical steps to reduce light pollution: changing the 22)spectral 23)composition of lighting (especially LEDs), limiting the duration of lighting, reducing the “24)trespass” of lighting into areas not intended to be lit, altering the intensity of lighting, and preventing areas from being artificially lit in the first place.

The relatively simple act of shielding our lights―installing or 25)retrofitting lamp fixtures that direct light downward to its intended target―represents our best chance to control light pollution.

Experts say it is far more important to use light effectively than abundantly. Explaining France’s new lighting rules, Delphine Batho, until recently France’s environment minister, described the government’s desire to “change the culture” to include the responsible use of light. This change is to be applauded, for what increasing numbers of studies―as well as our own eyes―tell us is that we are using far more light than we need, and at 26)tremendous cost.
















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