
时间:2022-10-11 05:01:00


摘 要 韩国的经济腾飞与其职业教育的发展密不可分。当前,韩国职业教育面临终身教育的挑战、知识经济的到来以及职业教育质量

>> 改革与职业教育的发展 我国农村职业教育发展的阻力与动力分析 韩国职业教育特色分析与启示 试述职业教育的改革与发展 浅谈职业教育的改革与发展 职业教育改革与发展的政策支持 韩国呼叫中心职业教育的现状与启示 分析职业教育改革的现状与对策 让创新成为职业教育发展的不竭动力 新疆职业教育发展的理论与实证分析 保障我国农村职业教育发展的政策现状分析及建议 关于保障职业教育持续发展的思考 职业教育与劳动力市场的关系 从中德职业教育现状比较的角度看我国职业教育改革与发展 俄罗斯职业教育对我国职业教育改革与发展的启示 职业教育特色的培育与保障措施研究 韩国语教学在职业教育中的改革研究 影响廊坊市中等职业教育发展的因素分析 民办高等职业教育发展与改革研究 创新与改革助力中国职业教育发展 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.





[14]Statistics and Overview of Vocational Education Schools, Students, Teachers and Clerical Staffs[EB/OL]. [2016-04-03].http://english.moe.go.kr/web/1722/site/contents/en/en_0219.jsp.



Analysis on the Reform Motivation and Development Assurance Factors The New Trends of Korean Vocational Education

Li Hongxiu, Li Shaobing, Hu Jingyue

Abstract The rapid growth of Korea is closely related to its development of vocational education. At present, Korean vocational education is confronted with various driving factors, including the challenge of lifelong education, the new era of knowledge-driven economy, the importance of qualified vocational education. The reform of Korean vocational education exhibits a series of new contents and has made fruitful efforts especially in four aspects:the specialty setting in vocational education becomes modernized; the lifelong education system appears to be well-established; the practice in industry-academy collaboration model based on employment; and the improvement of training links of high-qualified vocational teachers. The expansion and development of Korean vocational education mainly motivated by the great amount of expenditure on education, the support of specialized educational policies, and the diversification of school running subject as well.

Key words Korea; vocational education; reform motivation; policy assurance

Author Li Hongxiu, associate professor and the deputy director of Higher Education Research Institute of Jilin University (Changchun,130012);Li Shaobing, postgraduate student of Higher Education Research Institute of Jilin University; Hu Jingyue, Research Institute for Higher Education of Jilin University

上一篇:中职学生职业能力的岗位表现及培养策略研究 下一篇:全国职业教育研究论文要目检索(总第219期)