
时间:2022-10-01 02:36:23


摘 要 2013年的《国家生涯与技术教育中期评估报告》针对帕金斯法案四在美国近年来的实施情况进行评估,该报告详细制定了

>> 美国生涯与技术教育改革概览 美国中高等生涯与技术教育的课程衔接模式与策略 美国“通过高质量的生涯和技术教育培养胜任全球工作的劳动力”报告 美国职业技术教育课程质量评价量规 “烂尾”的问责与问责的“烂尾” 官员问责与质量管理 美国工程技术教育专业鉴定制度的特色与借鉴 美国社区学院的高技术教育 美国高等教育内部问责考察及对我国的启示 国外职业技术教育教学质量监控与评价模式研究及启示 奥巴马宣布新的生涯和技术教育拨款项目 澳大利亚高等教育质量问责:绩效指标的开发 国外问责的制度与实践 宋代的管理与问责 技术教育独立报告与英国的技术教育改革 对我国网络问责的理性评价 自治与问责的平衡:高等教育治理的保证 职业技术教育中的教师主导地位与教育质量的思考 劳动与技术教育的设计与实施 非政府组织问责中服务对象问责的概念与必要性 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l#ve.

[2]CarlD.Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006[EB/OL].http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-109s250enr/pdf/BILLS-109s250enr.pdf.

[9]吴雪萍,任佳萍.美国职业教育质量问责制探析[J].比较教育研究,2014,(11):49-53The Research on Career and Technical Education Accountability in the United States and the Implication to China

Zhang Yu, Xu Guoqing

Abstract During the development process of the United States Career and Technical education ,many laws are proposed to make provision for vocational education quality assessment.National Assessment of Career and Technical Education for the Interim Report 2013 evaluated Perkins Act IV implementation in the United States in recent years.The report details the performance indicators and logical models of accountability evaluation system,using a variety of methods in the evaluation. There is a certain significance and value to the evaluation of vocational education quality,such as strengthen the legal binding in quality evaluation, pay attention to the quality of vocational education evaluation of scientific and normative and vocational education evaluation System in the fair value of penetration and so on.

Key words the United States; career and technical education; accountability

Author Zhang Yu,master student of Institute of Vocational and Adult Education of East China Normal University(Shanghai 200062);Xu Guoqing,professor and vice principal of Institute of Vocational and Adult Education of East China Normal University

上一篇:浅析唢呐与萨克斯演奏的融会贯通 下一篇:浅谈临床教学中的素质教育