
时间:2022-09-21 09:28:26


2015年7月7日 世界卫生组织7日的《2015全球烟草流行报告》强调,提高烟草税是一种以较低成本即可抑制烟草需求、挽救生命、筹措更多资金用于加强卫生服务的方法。报告认为,更高的价格可以防止青少年形成吸烟这种致命的习惯。因此,提高烟草税是帮助年轻人避免烟瘾危害的重要工具。


世界卫生组织负责预防非传染性疾病的官员贝彻尔(Douglas Bettcher)在日内瓦举行的报告会上表示,尽管证据显示,提高烟草税是控制吸烟的最为有效的办法,但这一做法也是实施率最低的一种方法。实施这一办法需要政府诸多部门协同努力,但最主要的是烟草业对此最为抵触,他们一直在对政府进行游说,因为他们知道提高烟草产品的价格意味着烟草消费的减少。


July 7, 2015 WHO Report on the global tobacco epidemic 2015 released on 7th stressing that raising taxes on tobacco products is a low-cost measure to curb demand for tobacco, save lives and generate funds for stronger health services. It argues that higher price can prevent teenagers from developing the fatal habit of smoking. Therefore, raising tobacco tax is one important tool to help youths get rid of addiction to tobacco.

The report points out that many states have conducted hundreds of studies to analyze the impact of tobacco tax and price to the use of tobacco. In low-income countries, a 10% lift in the price of tobacco products can lead to a decrease of 8% of the smoking rate.

According to the speech of Dr. Douglas Bettcher, Director of WHO's Department for the Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases in the press conference of the report in Geneva, evidence shows that higher tobacco product prices linked to increased taxes lead to declines in smoking prevalence, it is the most effective way, and yet the way with the lowest implementation rate. The implementing of such measure needs the coordination and efforts of many departments of the government, but the tobacco industry is strongly against to it, and they keep trying to persuade the government, since they know that improving the price of tobacco products means the decrease of the consumption.

China is the largest producer and consumer of tobacco products in the world. At present, tobacco use leads to death of more than one million Chinese people every year. There are 300 million people in China who smoke - 28.1% of Chinese adults often smoke; and more than half of Chinesemales often smoke. 11.2% of boys aged 13 to 15 smoke. In China, almost 3,000 people die from tobacco related diseases every day. In addition, 700 million Chinese people are often exposed to second-hand smoke; and second-hand smoke leads to some 100000 deaths every year.

WHO Representative in China Dr Bernhard Schwartl?nder said, the death number per year will rise in the future, unless China take strong and long-term measures to decrease the smoking rate. Raising tobacco tax and price helps to turn the tide.


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