
时间:2022-08-22 12:26:19


摘 要:在大学计算机基础课程小班教学中引入了课堂游戏来讲授抽象知识。文章介绍了课堂游戏的实践及对该方法的思考,在帮助学

>> 游戏化教学在小班数学中的实施 浅谈民间游戏在小班教学中的意义 音乐游戏在小班幼儿音乐教学中的应用 小班化英语教学模式在英语大班课堂中的实施 在区域游戏活动中实施小班幼儿礼仪教育的有效尝试 双师双班课堂教学模式在小班化精致课堂教学中的实施 游戏式教学在军校课堂教学中的实施① 浅谈在小班化信息技术课堂中实施分层教学 浅谈游戏教学在初中英语课堂中的实施 在英语课堂中实施游戏教学的策略 情境游戏在小班幼儿教学中的应用与实践 浅谈情景游戏在小班美术教学中的运用 语文个性化教学在小班课堂上的实施策略浅议 在小班化汉语教学中实施分层教学 在体验中感受小班律动游戏的快乐 在游戏活动中培养小班幼儿的交往能力 小班化教学在高中英语教学中的实施 体育游戏在快乐体育教学中的实施 游戏在幼儿教学中的高效实施分析 探讨音乐游戏在幼儿教学中的实施策略 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[3] Computer Science Inside[EB/OL]. [2011-03-17]. .

Implementation of Classroom Games in Small Classes Teaching

LI Tun, WANG Ting, ZHOU Haifang

(School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)

Abstract: In the college computer fundamental course teaching, we introduce classroom games in small classes teaching to help the students to understand abstract knowledge. This paper describes the investigation of classroom games and the practices of the teaching method. The promising results show that it is useful in teaching some abstract computer fundamental knowledge. It also helps the students in building creative thinking and self-study abilities.

Key words: small class teaching; classroom games; college computer fundamental



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[2] 白中英. 计算机组织与体系结构[M]. 4版. 北京:清华大学出版社,2008.

[3] 王爱英. 计算机组成与结构[M]. 4版. 北京:清华大学出版社,2007.

[4] 韩英,严诚,荀启峰. 应用性本科“计算机组成与结构”课程教学改革探索[J]. 计算机教育,2010(1):138-140.

[5] 夏战国,葛新,王凯.“计算机组织与体系结构”教学方法探讨[J]. 计算机教育,2008(6):94-95.

[6] 陈自刚. 应用型本科院校“计算机组成原理”与“计算机系统结构”课程设置探讨[J]. 计算机教育,2008(6):94-95.

The Educational Research of Computer Organization and Architecture Course for Software Engineering

LI Chen, ZHU Li

(College of Software Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China)

Abstract: With the special background and applied need of software engineering, new concepts and new ideas about the education of the course of computer organization and architecture in our college have been researched from the aspects of teaching thought, teaching content, teaching methods and so on. The experience is beneficial of other teacher in same major.

Key words: Software Engineering; Computer Organization and Architecture; teaching content; teaching method

上一篇:新生引导性实验课程探索 下一篇:乡村中的大学