
时间:2022-08-11 06:11:02




中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-291X(2010)25-0291-02








3.任务型教学的本质特征。纽南就任务型教学的特征概括如下:(1) 强调通过用目的语互动学会交际。(2)将真实文本引入学习环境。(3)为学习者提供不仅关注语言,而且关注学习过程本身的机会。(4)增强学习者个人经历作为重要的、促进课堂学习的要素的作用。(5) 努力使课堂语言学习与课外语言激活联系起来。


4.任务型教学模式。威利斯提出了一个任务型教学实施框架。该框架旨在为语言学习创造一个实质性的环境,以提高学习者语言知觉,实现语言运用的流畅性与准确性目的。操作过程分为三个阶段:前任务(pre-task)、任务环(the task cycle)和语言焦点(language focus)。







《致用英语综合教程1》各单元由七个模块组成:话题展开(Around the topic)、阅读(Reading)、语言运用(Language in use)、项目(Project)、拓展(Extension)、文化点滴(Culture tips)和学习策略(Learning to learn)。每个单元需用12学时完成。现选取第5单元What’s playing tonight?前两个模块为例,详细阐述教学实施思路。

1.Period 1-2Around the topic

Task’s aim: The students will learn how to talk about and comment on films and how to make invitations.

Before the lesson,the students are asked to choose the favourite film seen recently and prepare the related information as much as possible.

Pre-task 1: Ask the students to exchange ideas with the partners.

1)Have you seen any films lately?

2)What is your favourite one?

3)What kind of film is it?

4)What is the main event?

5)Why do you like it?

Pre-task 2: In pairs,match the names of the films with different types given.Then work in pairs.Name one more film at least for each type.They can be either Chinese films or English ones.

Pre-task 3: Two friends are talking about getting together for a movie tonight.Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions in pairs.

1)What movies are playing tonight?

2)What is the genre of each movie?

3)Which movie have they decided to go to?

4)Who is the director of the movie they are going to watch?

5)What do they think of the director?

6)When will the movie start?

The task circle: The students are divided into 8 groups.In groups,discuss current films and try to reach a conclusion on which is the best one.Give convincing reasons to persuade their peers.After discussion,3 representatives are allowed to present the results of the groups.

Language focus:

1)Listen to the dialogue again.

2)The students are asked to find out the expressions about reviewing the film and the structures about suggesting and inviting.

3)In pairs,make a dialogue to suggest a film and invite the friend.3 pairs at least are allowed to present in front of the class.

4)The teacher remarks on the presentation of the students.

2.Period 3-6 Reading

Task’s aim: The students will learn how Steven Spielberg has become one of the most successful directors in the world by reading.

Pre-task: In groups,discuss around the following questions.

1)Do you know anything about the film director Steven Spielberg?

2)Have you seen any of his films? Take one for example.Talk about your feeling.

3)What are the common features of his films?

4)Do you like his films?

After discussion,the teacher remarks on the presentation of some of the students and introduces briefly about the director.

The task circle:

1)Skim the text and find out the general idea of each paragraph.

2)The students are asked to read the text by themselves and then answer the following questions in pairs.

① The numbers in the box below are from the text.What do they refer to?

② How many films directed by Steven Spielberg are mentioned in the text? What information do you get about each film mentioned in the text? Do you know other information about these films?

③ What are the factors that make Spielberg successful?

Language focus: Explain and practise the new vocabularies and expressions in detail.

此外,语言运用(Language in use)、项目(Project)和拓展(Extension)等三个模块分别需要两个学时完成,其余两个模块的内容穿插其中,在此不再赘述。不论学习哪个模块,坚持实施任务型教学模式,实现生生互动、师生互动,必将较好地激发学生的学习积极性,增加学生综合运用英语的机会,提高学习效率。








[5]张栩银.任务型语言教学在高职高专英语英语精读教学应用[J].科技资讯,2009,(1):113-115.[责任编辑 陈鹤]

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