
时间:2022-08-09 12:11:03


摘 要:本文结合一些具体的句子,阐述了英语中形式肯定而意义否定和形式否定而意义肯定的表达方式和汉语翻译时应注意的方法和技巧。

关键词:形式肯定 意义否定 形式否定 意义肯定 翻译

英语和汉语一样有肯定句和否定句之分,但由于修辞和短语或习语表达法的需要,有的形式上肯定的句子,即句子中没有not,no,never之类的词,也没有un-,non-,dis-之类的否定前缀,但意义上是否定的。例如:“The news is too good to be true.”(消息太好了,难以置信。)“She is behind the rest of her class in algebra.” (她的数学比班上其他人都差。) 相反,有的形式上是否定的句子,意义上却是肯定的。例如:“A student can’t read too many books.”( 学生读再多的书也不过分。) “We are never too old to learn..”(我们要活到老学到老。)在翻译时,这类句子往往被称为是“英语否定之陷阱”,需加以注意。因为有许多英语肯定句需译成汉语否定句,而有的英语否定句又要译成汉语肯定句。现举出一些常见而典型的例子加以说明。


1. Too...to... 太...而不能...的结构。

The text is too difficult to understand. 课文太难,无法理解。

He is too young to understand his father. 他太年轻,不能理解他的父亲。

2. 某些词或词组作be的表语时,构成肯定形式,否定意义。这些词或词组有rare,blind to,far from,ignorant of,short of等。

It is rare for him to act like that. 他很少那样做。

She is blind to the results of her behavior. 她看不到她的行为会有什么后果。

He was ignorant of what had happened. 他对发生的事情一无所知。

He is far from understanding it . 他根本不理解这个问题。

We are short of hand. 我们人手不够。

3. 句中含有某些否定意义的词,如:little,few,hardly,scarcely,rarely,seldom等。

There is little water in the bottle. 瓶子里没什么水了。

There are few people in the street at this hour. 这个时间街上没什么人。

I could hardly believe him. 我不怎么相信他。

He scarcely comes to see me now. 他现在不怎么来看我了。

We rarely eat fish. 我们不怎么吃鱼。

He seldom,if ever,falls ill. 他几乎从不生病。

4. No more…than…结构中,than后面的从句形式上是肯定的,但意义上否定的。

He is no more a millionaire than we are. 他和我们一样不是百万富翁。

I could no more do that than you. 你不能做这件事,我也不能做。

5. 含有prefer…to…,would rather (sooner)…than (宁愿……不愿……)的句子。

I prefer tea to coffee. 我宁愿喝茶也不喝咖啡。

She would rather die than surrender. 他宁死也不投降。

6. 含有某些介词的句子,如:behind(超过),beneath(不值得),from(不在),but+不定代词。

The work is beyond me. 我不能胜任这项工作。

His suggestion is beneath notice,他的提议不值得注意。

He is always from home. 他老是不在家。

He is anything but honest. 他根本不是一个诚实的人。

I will answer any question but that one. 我决不回答这个问题。

7. 在特定语境中,下列句子表示否定意义。

Who knows? (=No one knows) 谁都不知道。

Am I a fool? (=I’m not a fool.) 我才不是个傻瓜呢!

What’s the use of sending him to school? (=It’s no use sending him to school.) 送他上学是没有用的。

8. “When+现在完成时”构成的修辞问句,不需要回答,表示强烈的否定。

When have I played a trick on you? (= I have never played a trick on you.) 我什么时候愚弄过你?(即:我从来没有愚弄过你。)

When have I let you down? (= I have never let you down.)我什么时候让你失望过?(即:我从来没有让你失望过。)

9. 以 before引导的时间状语从句表示“来不及…就…,在没有…之前”。

His train had left before I could say good-bye to him. 我还来不及跟他说再见,他坐火车就离开了。

The accident had happened before he realized it. 他还没意识到,事故就发生了。


1. 疑问结构的否定形式常常用作感叹句,其意义是肯定的。

Isn’t it a lovely dog? 多可爱的小狗啊!

Hasn’t she grown! (=She has grown a lot.) 她长这么大了!

Wasn’t it a great match! 这场比赛太精彩了!

2. 在含有cannot的一些句子里,如:cannot help…(情不自禁地……),cannot …too…(总不嫌过分,越……越好),cannot thank…enough(感激不尽),cannot…but + 动词不定式 (只好,不得不)

When we listen to the quips,we couldn’t help laughing.听相声时,我们情不自禁地笑了起来。

You can’t praise her too highly. 你怎么赞扬她都不过分。

I can’t thank you enough.. 对你我真感激不尽。

I can’t but agree with you. 我只好同意你的意见了。

3.含有nothing (no,nobody…)…but…,nothing except,nothing beyond,nothing besides表示:“只(不过)”,“不外乎”的句子。

Nobody but Mr. Liu can do it. 只有刘先生能做此事。

He did nothing except (or:beyond) making a telephone call.他只是打了个电话。

I want to drink nothing besides water. 我只想喝水。

4.none the less 仍然、还是

She is none the less charming for her age. 她年纪虽大,却风韵犹存。

Although he met with some difficulties,he was none the less sure of his success. 尽管他遇到一些困难,但他对自己的成功仍然充满信心。


Nothing is more proper. 这太合适了。

It can’t be worse. 这真糟透了。

6.某些由no,nothing 等构成的句子

His speech leaves no room to be desired.他的演讲天衣无缝。

What he did was nothing short of my expectation. 他所做的正是我所预料的。

7.no other…than(正是),no less …than (和…一样,不少于…)

I’m looking for no other than this book. 我找的正是这本书。

She is no less active than she used to be.她和从前一样活跃。

8.nothing if not 很、极其

The situation is nothing if not fine. 形势极好。

She is nothing if not clever. 她极其聪明伶俐。

9.某些带not 的原级或比较级

As soon as not = more willingly更情愿,再乐于不过:

He would do it as soon as not. 他会乐于做这项工作的。

As often as not = very frequently经常,常常:

On weekends she goes shopping as often as not. 周末她常上街买东西。

More often than not = very frequently 往往,常常:

More often than not,I get up at six. 我常常六点起床。

As likely as not = most likely,very likely很可能:

Now they will be at work as likely as not. 现在他们很可能在工作。

10.表示双重否定的句子:否定结构 + 含否定意义的前(后)缀,without(but

for)…,could not do,to be never too + adj. + 动词不定式。

You shouldn’t be careless of consequences. 你应该考虑后果。

We are never too old to learn. 我们活到老学到老。

Without (but for) air and water,we could not live. 我们的生存需要空气和水。


[1]Michael Swan.Practical English Usage.外语教学与研究出版社,1986.





上一篇:浅论英汉词法差异及其原因 下一篇:探究在英语教学中如何转化差生