
时间:2022-08-09 06:50:24


摘 要:怎样培养高素质的对日技术应用型复合型人才?怎样把语言教学和职业素养教育更好地融入到学生的专业教育中去,真正把高

>> 浅析高职日语基础教学 浅析高职基础日语教学法 关于高职院校基础日语教学新模式的探讨 关于高职院校基础日语教学的几点思考 浅谈高职高专基础日语教学 高职数学内容体系模块化改革初探 高职高专院校基础日语考核方式改革之初探 高职医学影像技术专业课程模块化教学改革初探 高职水工概预算课程模块化教学改革初探 模块化教学在高职计算机基础教学中的应用研究 基于模块化教学的高职《基础会计》课程标准设计 高职影像技术专业医学基础课程模块化教学之创新 高职院校基础会计课程“模块化”教学研究 浅谈高职高专基础日语教学改革的必要性 基础日语教学探讨 基础日语教学探究 浅谈基础日语教学 高职推销课程模块化教学改革探讨 高职文秘专业模块化教学改革研究 行动导向教学法在高职基础日语教学中的应用 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.





On the Essential Differences between College Students’ Start-up and Employment

and Their Advantage in Start-up

ZHENG Guang-gui, WEI Li

(Career Guidance Center, Anhui Business College, Wuhu 241002, China)

Abstract: The paper redefines “start-up” and “employment” according to the observation on the essential differences between entrepreneurs and employees of private-owned enterprises, and then analyzes the concepts of start-up and employment in detail. It also expounds the essential differences between start-up and employment deeply from eight aspects using comparison method, pointing out the unique advantage of college students in start-up, based on which it concludes that in the era of knowledge economy, the college students should be the main force of entrepreneurs in the society, thus they can realize their dreams in the innovation and start-up and make due contributions to the realization of “China Dream”.

Key Words: college student; start-up; employment; essential difference; advantage in start-up

上一篇:循化县道路客运规范探讨 下一篇:浅谈班主任工作的认识