
时间:2022-07-17 07:08:39



>> 电子商务发展面临的机遇与挑战 小额跨境电子商务:拓展新兴市场国家的经验 跨境电子商务的抢点之战 跨境电子商务的“义乌经验” 跨境电子商务的“杭州谋划” 跨境电子商务的SWOT分析 在国际电子商务发展趋势下的中国跨境电子商务发展趋势探讨 保税区跨境进口电子商务发展面临问题的研究 虚拟环境下跨境电子商务面临的问题及其对策研究 满洲里发展跨境电子商务的机遇与挑战 跨境电子商务流程下的跨境电子商务评价指标构建机制 跨境电子商务在国际贸易环境中的发展研究 国际贸易新方式跨境电子商务的新研究 国际贸易新方式跨境电子商务的最新研究 跨境电子商务对国际贸易的影响分析 论跨境电子商务对国际贸易的影响 拉丁美洲跨境电子商务对传统国际贸易的冲击及影响 跨境电子商务与国际贸易的升级方式分析 跨境电子商务方兴未艾 区域权在电子商务下面临的挑战 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

③ 中国电子商务研究中心:2015年(上)中国电子商务市场数据监测报告[EB/OL].[2015-10-16]..

④ 艾瑞市场咨询有限公司:2012-2013年中国跨境支付市场调研报告简版[EB/OL].[2013-10-31]..

⑤ 中国产业信息网:2015年我国邮政行业运行情况及发展趋势分析[EB/OL].[2015-12-170]..

⑥ East-West Digital News:Cross-border ecommerce in Russia is booming[EB/OL].[2016-02-10]..


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On the Challenges of Cross-border E-commerce in the Development

of International Space

CUI Cai-zhou, CHEN Qi-ming

(School of Economics and Management, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing 526061,China)

Abstract:The cross-border e-commerce is a new way of international trade, which not only broadens the traditional international trade development space, promotes the upgrading of international trade and the facilitation of trade payment system, but also promotes trade in transportation services (logistics) development, expanding the international trade.At present, subjecting to supervision, the imperfect credit system, the lack of compound talents and the difficulties of traditional enterprise transformation and upgrading,the promoting role of cross-border e-commerce development in international trade is still limited in China.Therefore, it is an urgent need to improve the regulatory system and credit system, train and the introduce professionals who are familiar with international e-commerce, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises in order to expand the international field of electronic commerce.

Key words:electronic commerce; international trade; trade pattern; predicament; the way of solution

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