
时间:2022-10-30 12:45:34


众所周知,英语中有一则谚语: Well begun half done. 又说: A good beginning is half the battle. 是的,好的开端是成功的一半。但由于受汉语思维的影响,学生写作时,主语八九不离十是人称主语。在这种思维定势的影响下,学生写出的句子开头也就非常单调,只会用主谓宾结构,难以写出出彩的文章。下面主要谈谈英语写作中句子开头的处理。


一、 同位语领先句。试译:长城位于中国的北方,是世界上最长的城墙。

A. The Great Wall in China, the longest wall in the world, is located in the north of China.

B. The Great Wall is located in the north of China, it is the longest wall in the world.


二、 状语领先句。试译:他们做了下深呼吸,然后潜入水中。

A. They took a deep breath and dived into the water. (主语领先)

B. Taking a deep breath, they dived into the water. (状语领先)


三、 表语领先句。试译:我所能做的一切就是给他打一个电话。

A. All I could do was to give him a call. (主语领先)

B. To give him a call was all I could do. (表语领先)


四、 宾语领先句。试译:我没有给他任何肯定的许诺。

A. I promised him nothing definite. (主语领先)

B. Nothing definite did I promise him. (间接宾语领先)


五、 谓语领先句。谓语出现之前,常有不同的成分加以引导。试译:

(1) 老妇人姗姗来迟。

A. The old lady came at last.

B. Here came the old lady at last.

(2) 旧社会那黑暗的日子一去不复返了。

A. The dark days of the old society are gone forever.

B. Gone forever are the dark days of the old society.


1. 生动原则。试译:飞机飞向天空。

A. The plane went up into the air. (主语领先)

B. Up went the plane into the air. (谓语领先)


2. 衔接原则。试译:一声吼叫之后,一只老虎从矮树丛中跳将出来。

A. Following the roar, a tiger rushed out from among the bushes. (主语领先)

B. Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes. (谓语领先)


3. 强调原则。为强调或突出句子中的某一成分,把在正常语序中本应出现较晚的成分提至句首。试译:

(1) 我不会写诗,让我写篇文章代替吧。

A. I cannot write a poem,let me write an essay instead. (主语领先)

B. Write a poem I cannot, let me write an essay instead. (谓语领先)

(2) 我们每天一起去散步。

A. We go for a walk together every day. (主语领先)

B. Every day we go for a walk together. (状语领先)

4. 尾重原则。在长期的发展过程中,英语形成尾重的表达习惯,凡是词数较多或者语法结构复杂的部分置于句末。在汉语中,在句末叠床架屋的表达是不被看好的,而英语对此却倍加青睐。试译:他从年幼时起,就珍爱书籍。

A. He had treasured books from the earliest period of his life.

B. Books, he treasured from the earliest period of his life.


5. 平衡原则。和汉语一样,在英语中,特别是彼此相关的句子,常以平衡为美。匀称中展现对比。试译:

(1) 团结,我们站起来;分裂,我们倒下去!

上一篇:友谊密码 第9期 下一篇:课题:百分数的意义(六年级上册)