
时间:2022-09-04 06:32:02


摘要: 美国公众对教育国际化的满怀期待向高校施加了莫大压力,促使他们越来越密切关注国际化事务。高校在国际化战略中格外重

>> 企业国际化的资源困境与对策研究 高校教育国际化的困境以及对策探究 中央企业国际化的困境及其对策 企业国际化管理的困境与战略选择 职业教育国际化:现状、问题与对策 高等教育国际化背景下高校思想政治教育的困境及对策 中国高校学术期刊国际化发展现状与策略 “学术国际化”种种 高校院系加强研究生国际化教育的困难与对策 中外合作办学与省属高校教育国际化对策的研究 北京市属高校研究生教育国际化的问题与对策研究 地方高校国际化办学的阻碍与应对策略 职业教育国际化的内涵与模式 学术期刊国际化与编辑素养探析 高校国际化战略的分析与思考 高校国际化课程的实践与探索 小众学术期刊的国际化办刊路线 会展业国际化的难题与对策 人民币国际化的困难与对策 汉语国际化内涵、趋势与对策的分析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l#recipients,2014-01-14.

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Abstract: The expectation of education internationalization from United States public put great pressure on the colleges and universities, and encouraged them to pay close attention to international affairs. Colleges in United States usually attach great importance to strategies of academic profession internationalization, in which faculty plays multiple and changing roles. However, academic profession internationalization still faces resistance. Individual and institutional factors of affecting faculty engagement are now presenting an alienated state, including separated faculty’s innovation motivation vs. reviewing system chart, the subtle teaching vs. the standardized curriculum system, learning needs vs. international cooperation system, showing that the key to motivate faculty engagement lies in the integration of these two types of factors. Strategies that United States’ colleges integrate the two factors are as follows: highlighting a direct influence of individual factors, yielding an indirect function of the institutional factors, merging the two factors together in the basis of organizations. The strategies provide valuable experiences in the development of internationalization of higher education in China.

Key words: individual factors; institutional factors; internationalization; academic profession; the United States; alienation; strategy

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