
时间:2022-08-21 03:18:27


Contemporary wooden building performance and application is discussed

HuMin guangxi China blue design (group) Co., LTD. Guangxi nanning 530011

Once all the sunshine one takes home buyers group Co., LTD. Beijing 100026

Abstract: along with our country to pay more attention to the sustainable development strategy, the architect of the more his eyes on building ecological and environmental protection, energy conservation and sustainable development. Main wood, as the only one in building materials recycling renewable resources and materials, become the concept of sustainable architecture of this major choices. Global focus on sustainable development for our country in the background of contemporary wooden building research and practice provides opportunity, at the same time for the traditional wooden culture brings new life.

Keywords: architecture; Materials; Structure; culture

A, wood performance cultural connotation

The vitality of trees to become a kind of natural material wood, most human. Natural growth and the formation of decorative pattern texture and downy natural burnish is the two big wood art idiosyncratic. "Wright very opposition in the wood with opaque paint covers wood natural color, texture and claim of wood texture painstakingly performance and processing technology, including manual or machine jigsaw SunMao contacts, mark, such as he thought it would make lumber more clearly show character."

1.1 ecological sustainable connotation

In today's main building materials, wood is the only renewable, and many times recycling of natural resources. As a raw material, production, product manufacturing low energy consumption, low polluting products use energy-saving sex and product use of circulating sex green ecological building materials, wood in addition to give a person with comfortable, aesthetic feeling, return to natural feeling outside, back to human health life bring environment. Use of renewable resources can we truly achieve the sustainable development, and sustainable wood management practice can ensure the continued growth of the global supply of wood.

Trees are security environment safety and sustain the atmospheric system equilibrium state key, use wood to restore carbon balance. The forest is the earth's biggest carbon storage, has more than 1 trillion tons of carbon storage, is the atmosphere by floating carbon white twice. Forest in the process of photosynthesis, the chemical fuel to the carbon dioxide to store up, to keep carbon balance. In addition to reduce deforestation and afforestation besides, in the household and building more than in the use of timber, is actually a kind of more carbon storage method, because even if is made of wood furniture or building parts, can also will be the internal carbon save hundreds of years, in the building process in each use 1 tons of wood can make store 500 kg of carbon in the air.

1.2 regional culture belonging

In the world, wood has been local characteristics in building the most commonly used material. In ancient times, because the price is cheap, easy to processing and other advantages, the wood is often used as a building the performance of art carrier. At present, the architect of the wooden building through traditional modelling refining processing, make the local characteristics in building the surviving again at the same time to absorb fresh element. So, building can not only in a certain period and the surrounding buildings to keep harmonious, but also with changing the pace of life in sync.

A lot of architects to shape the wood traditional architecture space, fully highlight the distinctive, reflect and return to natural design to restore ancient ways. The modern city is a piece of reinforced concrete of the forest, in the human civilization to high-end at the same time, leading the city back to history, return to the contemporary architects BaiRan become a liability. Can lead the people back to the past or to cater to people to return to BaiRan psychological needs, this is also excellent architecture itself should have quality. Wood in the river of history link to the time and space, in architectural design in the use of wood, it as connection regional space and time the link, let building return to natural and at the same time, the more connected with the past now, modern and traditional.

Second, the form of wooden skin interface

The attention of the epidermis concept has been a hot topic in modern architecture, skin (skin) from the concept of biology, if building and biological as analogy, the periphery is the "skin", the structure is "bone", the space is "soul". Skin is building undertake construction external interface of the substance of the maintenance system, is the architecture and the outside environment of matter and energy exchange interface. From the point of view of the space, it is to become the space of basic material conditions, but also both inside and outside the building space transforms medium; From the visual features, it is undoubtedly building and the designer's "card". In addition, it also plays the role of culture: reflects the climate characteristics of particular period, lifestyle, and regional culture, building aesthetic, and science and technology, etc.

The focus of contemporary architectural size, shape, etc gradually from traditional form elements turned to its own building palisade body, on the building of the traditional expression sculpture mission then gradually returning to its own-building skin. As an important means of building elements epidermis, becoming a building a theme of the form of performance. Wood as a traditional maintenance interface material, it has the rich expressional force. Different from other material, no matter size scales, all of its unique wood texture, color and texture offer people familiar and close warm feeling. The building outer epidermis with woodiness to performance, its external image has strong local characteristics, the construction process and the external image is easy to be felt and identity. The concept of the epidermis research encourages people to maintain interface to a deeper level of understanding and practice, and the promotion of the new technology appeared under many new forms of expression, the use of the wood is extended to a field greater range.

Three, traditional wooden component combining ways

3.1 tired combination of dry well-

Wells dry lap way of structure in the main method is to real wood up layer upon layer base parallel buy, in a groove on both ends of wood, wood in the corner at the end of the cross bite, through the log crisscross of formation of embedded house walls. Wells dry structure has a long history, widely distributed in forest rich areas. This structure way though has wood consumption amount big, absolute scale and open the window on such as the limited technical flaws, however, because its lap way direct straightforward, give a person the feeling of nature open interest, in some areas are still get the welcome of people, particularly in tourist attractions, this kind of wood of application more, place oneself among them, bring kind and comfortable, and natural be in harmony an organic whole feeling.

3.2 crisscross combined with-knitting

Small wood extremely rich tenacity, based on this, people will be fine wood crisscross of each other weave together, and form a certain strength of larger structures. "Hongqiao structure" is the weaving method is outspread, just use tiny batten but not the root of the log, when the wood is woven by bending properties.

3.3 with rope binding--wood

With flexible cane or ropes will directly bound up the wood is the most basic wood lap means, this rope wood in the early days of the way buildings are very common, today in Africa, Australia native American building can still see, Japan development out a string of wood construction about traditional process circulates. 2000 Hanover the expo hall is contemporary Japanese rope wood connection model.

Rope wood can not only used in wood binding the lap, also extended to bamboo building area. Bamboo as hollow materials not suitable for drilling, the binding of bamboo to avoid the physiology of destruction. Until now in a boom bamboo southeast Asia and other regions, people still often use the binding bamboo scaffolding to instead of steel is made.

Four, wooden building organic expression

Xanadu--Atlanta center for the performing arts (Atlantic Centre) art center which was surrounded by the stream, plants flourish, away from the daily life of the disturbance, building group aims to reflect "completely out of the city upheaval" thought. The designer used to work in the geometry of the building will be chiseled into landscape architecture in, the creation of a space six building was clear in the outline of the outline of the dense woods is like concealed, give a person very deep impression. Each of the workshop walk connection path, the balsam batten board laid and into, make the person can be in exchange contact feel the natural breath.

Six of the design of the workshop is very concise. In addition to sculpture outside workshop of wood to build, its main structure for outsourcing of pine wood strong wooden frame. In the building interior, cover thin wood three-ply board to establish, level of Chinese fir board decorate western plasterboard and coloring. Black box theatre through concentrated mainly skylight daylighting, concentrated in the works of creation to illuminate above. Create a fan is located in indoor dance to the window of the house side, the 3.5 meters high from the ground to the be born screen, so that the sunlight to enter indoor and outdoor easy distraction to exclude scenery. The studio two fan daylighting wooden shutters high window, so that the indoor light produce diffuse effect. At the same time, to avoid the affects of the coating smell is too strong, with the chimney with air conditioning workshop to undertake ventilated.


Wood-warm natural, can embody the traditional culture and the modern technology blend. Wooden building since ancient times to today still shows its unique performance charm, timberwork design potential and superiority has been become the international architectural new topic, also will definitely get the domestic industry and more and more attention and discussed.


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