
时间:2022-10-07 03:49:11




句型、连词、高级词汇、是写出优秀作文的制胜法宝。句子之于作文就好比骨骼之于身体。“漂亮句子 + 恰当的连词 + 高级词汇 = 完整而又出彩的作文”,三宝在手,犹如通关利器,百战不殆。




1. 把你要写的内容要点用十句左右的汉语表达出来。

2. 逐一地进行翻译,尽量使用复合句,同时思考两个问题:一是可以用什么样的复杂句式,二是遇到不会表达的语义时该如何转译。


(1) This book was so interesting that I read it again and again.

(2) This was such an interesting book that I read it again and again.

(3) This was so interesting a book that I read it again and again.

(4) So interesting was this book that I read it again and again.

毫无疑问,第四句最能抓住阅卷老师的心,因为在这个句子中不仅用了so... that... 句型,同时采用了倒装。



表明时间顺序的连词:first, then, next, previously, the following day...

表明文章组织结构的连词: ... first(ly),second(ly),third(ly); additionally, in addition; on the one hand, on the other hand; in conclusion, to sum up, ...

表明作者观点和态度的连词:in my opinion, from my point of view, as far as I am concerned



面对一个作文要点,我们脑海中会涌现出很多的相关词汇或短语。比如,要求表达“网络的主要用途是查询信息”这样一个要点,也许我们首先会想到的是 look for information。如果我们以 search for, in search of, hunt for 等短语来替换,原本平淡无奇的表达立刻就能变得活色生香,熠熠生辉。因此,妙用高级词汇,绝对可以为我们的作文锦上添花。



1. 陈述这一现象;

2. 分析这一现象产生的影响;

3. 表明自己的观点。


1. 词数120~150;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:自主招生 self?determined enrollment


It is reported that about 70% of the students who passed the first exam of self?determined enrollment are from big or middle?sized cities. Therefore, the Ministry of Education states that ①the policy of self?determined enrollment will give more opportunities to the students in rural areas to make it possible for them to receive the same good education as those in cities. ②There is no doubt that it is really good news and will have a good influence on the justice and harmony of society.

As far as I’m concerned, it is advisable to ③give more chances to the students in rural areas. ④Because they are lacking in advanced equipment and good teachers. The new policy does good to the harmony of society and the development of Chinese education in the long run.



① 此处“the policy of self?determined enrollment”与第一句话中的“自主招生”重复,因此就显得啰嗦。我们将其改为“a new policy that will give more opportunities to the students in rural areas has been declared by the Ministry of Education”,在这个句式中既有定语从句又有被动语态,同时还是用了高级词汇“declare”,所以这个句子在整体上会提升作文的档次和分数。

② 这个句子并无语病,鉴于其属于个人观点,我们不妨将其挪到最后一段中。

③ 上文已经出现过give more chances to the students in rural areas, 为避免啰嗦重复,我们可用adopt the new policy。

④ 这句话在此处略显简单,如果我们能将其具体化,那么表达效果就不同了。我们可将其拓展为“Considering the fact that the education level and quality in the countryside still fall far behind and the students there cannot receive the same good education as those in cities, it is unfair and also against the idea of building a harmonious society.”


It is reported that about 70% of the senior students who have passed college self?determined enrollments are students from big or middle?sized cities, so a new policy that will give more opportunities to the students in rural areas has been declared by the Ministry of Education, which aroused hot discussion in society.

As far as I’m concerned, it is necessary and advisable to adopt the new policy. Considering the fact that the education level and quality in the countryside still fall far behind and the students there cannot receive the same good education as those in cities, it is unfair and also against the idea of building a harmonious society if no reforms can be carried out.

Therefore, I strongly approve of this measure and I believe if this measure is carried out properly and effectively, more and more excellent senior students in the countryside will be admitted to the top universities in China.




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