
时间:2022-09-30 02:13:45



>> 国内电子交易小额纠纷在线解决机制探究 网络团购纠纷解决机制研究 网络交易纠纷在线解决机制研究 在线解决纠纷机制的基本制度研究 探索小额消费纠纷的多元解决机制 网购纠纷不用慌按照流程来解决 刑事纠纷解决机制研究 小额跨境网购“保税进口”模式研究 论在线纠纷解决机制的法律定位 论网络文化产业纠纷与在线纠纷解决机制 期货纠纷的仲裁解决机制研究 多元化纠纷解决机制研究 养老保险纠纷解决机制研究 金融消费纠纷非诉解决机制研究 WTO在线争端解决机制构建研究 我国征地纠纷及其解决机制研究 农村选举纠纷及解决机制的实证研究 网络环境下知识产权纠纷解决机制研究 高校教育纠纷解决机制的法治研究 新时期多元化纠纷解决机制研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l?postId=6955906.

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Abstract: As online shopping is increasingly favored by consumers, it leads to a lot of online shopping disputes, especially smalldenomination online shopping disputes. Smalldenomination online shopping disputes involve in such problems as small amount of money with a large quantity of goods and the virtual identity of the subject, etc. Traditional dispute resolution mechanism cannot meet the requirement of smalldenomination online shopping disputes resolution for efficiency, lowcost and special ways. The cost of the resolution is higher than the income, the position of the subject is not fair essentially and a lot of cases would be hoarded. To improve the quick resolution mechanism of smalldenomination online shopping disputes, we can, while building online dispute resolution platform for traditional dispute resolution mechanisms, build new online dispute resolution platform and improve the websites ability to solve problems.

Key words: dispute resolution; Online Dispute Resolution; smalldenomination online shopping

收稿日期: 20160929

上一篇:东台市夏玉米新品种适应性种植研究 下一篇:生物质废弃物资源化技术的研究