
时间:2022-09-19 01:30:29


母亲节(Mother’s Day),是一个感恩母亲的节日。母亲节的传统起源于古希腊,在一月八日这一天,古希腊人会向希腊众神之母“瑞亚”致敬。而现代的母亲节起源于美国,庆祝于每年五月的第二个星期日。人们通常会在这一天为母亲献上康乃馨,康乃馨也因此成为了母亲节的象征。当然,礼物形式多样,重要的是心意,但别忘了最简单的祝福:母亲节快乐!以下是美国总统奥巴马对其生命中的三位母亲的一些感想,感情细腻,简洁干练,既不拖泥带水又能恰到好处地表达深深的感谢之意。

I think it’s important to recognize that moms come in a lot of different shapes and sizes.

Well, you know, my mother was the single most important influence in my life. I saw her struggles as a single mom. She taught me the values of hard work and responsibility, but also compassion and empathy, being able to look at the world through somebody else’s eyes and stand in their shoes. She was somebody who recognized that those of us who have some talents or have been given opportunities that we’ve gotta give something back, and I’ll always be 1)indebted to her for that.

My grandmother. She was very different than my mother, much more sort of 2)stoic and very much displayed her Kansas roots, but was a constant source of strength for all of us. Here’s a woman, who grew up in the depression, never had the opportunity to go to college, worked her way up as a secretary to become a vice-president of a bank. Frankly, if there hadn’t been a 3)glass ceiling, she probably could have taken over the bank.

Michelle’s the best mom I know, and she cares deeply about family.

This is my wife, Michelle.

Michelle: Hey. I’m his date.

She combines the ability to make the kids feel completely loved, with a real sense of being able to provide the kids limits. She’s very good at it. The proof is in those girls, who are magical. And I’d like to say that I’ve had something to do with it, but, I think, in fairness, I’ve gotta give her most of the credit.

I’ve decided not to let you go.

Michelle: OK.










That model of strong, responsible women, but also incredibly loving women, has been a great gift for my girls, ’cause they can see, every day, the contributions that women are making in their own family, and I think that gives them an enormous amount of confidence as they go forward.

The issues that mothers face; those are issues that matter to all of us, so families count on women having equal opportunity. That’s the reason why that something like the 4)Affordable Care Act was so important, because a lot of times women are paying more for their health care. That’s why I signed the 5)Lilly Ledbetter Act, to make sure that people got an equal day’s pay for an equal day’s work, because, when we do that, that’s not just good for women. That’s good for our country and that’s good for families everywhere.

Happy Mother’s Day.




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