
时间:2022-09-01 07:24:55

The marketplace in Fez, Morocco, is a winding maze of alleys crowded with shops and stalls. The sole commerce here is person-to-person, buying and selling everything under the sun. You want it? They’ve got it. Sandals are spread out beside goldfish bowls, while birds in cages survey the scene. This man deals in 1)kaftans. His neighbour sells slippers. Across the way a vendor sells dates and 2)apricots. There’s a supply for every possible demand.


A visit to the market, or souk, is a lesson in Moroccan culture. But for foreigners, it’s not what you buy, but how you buy it that’s the real education.

Vincent (Dutch Tourist): You have to start yourself at one third or something and then you bargain up to 50% …

Consuela (Dutch Tourist): …and they go down at

twice as hard as we go up with the price…

Vincent: Yeah.

Consuela: …so, then you get it half the price they say it first.

Vincent: But it’s really a game. The Moroccans are very good at bargaining, and they say they are the…the best in the world.

Ahmed Garib (Tourist Guide): You know, here, Moroccan culture for everything should bargain. We don’t have really fixed price.

In Fez’s souk, shopping is an exercise in negotiation. Prices are traded back and forth until buyer and seller agree. Here it’s second nature. But for foreigners trying their hands at this national sport, it’s “buyer beware.” Beginners pay more.

Ahmed: Sometimes 20, 30% more, over…than the price what the Moroccan people pay. So you should always…if you try your thousand 3)dirham, you give him 600 dirham, then you go up, he go downs, and then you can arrange between you.

It’s not quite a hussle; more like a test of wills. Mohcine Benjelloun (Jewelry Dealer): I can let you

to it 250 when you buy. And how much your


Tourist: One hundred twenty-five. Mohcine: Your best offer for this…More than 100. How much?

Tourist: One hundred and ten. Mohcine: Some people want to give 200 for this, and some people say I want just give 100. If I see small benefits, I accept. Tourist: No. One hundred and thirty, and then it’s stop.

Mohcine: Hundred and thirty. You like it, really?

He asked 250. She’s paying 130. At the end of a deal, everybody’s smiling.


















上一篇:盲目效仿“狼爸”,农民工望子成龙酿悲剧 下一篇:真爱之道 第5期