
时间:2022-09-18 09:25:10


摘 要:随着中国高等教育体制改革的深入开展,以国际本科学术互认课程(ISEC)为代表的中外合作办学模式日臻引起学术界的

>> 国际本科学术互认课程(ISEC)教学改革探析 ISEC课程体系下的电路分析基础课程改革研究 ISEC项目教学理念对“世界古代史”课程教学的启示 基于ISEC项目的制图类课程双语教学实践与思考 ISEC项目下线性代数教学的思考 ISEC教学理念的实践与思考 ISEC项目教师创造性教学行为研究 基于ISEC教学理念对食品毒理学教学的实践与思考 ISEC项目中的通识教育之物理双语教学初探 ISEC项目下微积分双语教学研究与实践 ISEC项目下线性代数双语教学研究与实践 ISEC项目《工程力学》双语教学中的研究与实践 论OBE成果导向教学模式在ISEC项目中的应用 福建省理工类高校中外合作办学ISEC项目双语教学的探究 《数值分析》课程教学改革探析 网页设计课程教学改革探析 中职课程及教学改革探析 化工原理课程教学改革探析 探析成衣设计课程教学改革 电工电子课程教学改革探析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

the Teaching Reform of the Undergraduate Course of International

Academic Exchange (ISEC)

LIU Boran

(Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, College of law and history, Tongliao 028000, China)

Abstract: With the in-depth development of China’s higher education system reform, the international undergraduate academic recognition course (ISEC) represents by Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools pattern gradually caused great concern in the academic circles. ISEC teaching encouragement to discernment thinking, subjective initiative, process evaluation and fun interactive as the basic concept that made significant results in the teaching practice in recent years . However, there are many problems in the transformation of the role of the teacher, the efficiency of the EMI implementation and the mechanism of the process evaluation. In the course of ISEC teaching reform, the project college can try to construct the “6+4” restraint mechanism, get in the concept of “environmental education”, and establish project teacher ’s process evaluation of the behavior and the use of the layered teaching method to promote the healthy and long-term development of the project.

Key words: The undergraduate course of international academic exchange; ISEC; theteaching reform; Teaching idea; Teaching practice

上一篇:黄日葵的思想发展历程及对革命事业的促进研究 下一篇:航空学院“四维一体化”培养模式的研究与实践