
时间:2022-09-10 08:47:07


摘 要 职业教育产教融合的力度取决于产教关系外部控制的程度,中国职业教育的产教关系经历了从产教合一到产教分离再到产教合

>> 基于产教融合的职业教育政策支持系统的建立与研究 国内外职业教育产教融合的政策支持研究 现代职业教育体系下的产教融合制度研究 职业教育产教融合推进的价值取向 职业教育产教深度融合的长效机制构建分析 职业教育产教深度融合机制创新研究 农民职业教育应产教融合 产教融合、校企合作的中等职业教育人才培养模式调查分析 产教融合:产业深度转型下现代职业教育发展的必由之路 产教融合视角下现代职业教育体系的构建 澳大利亚职业教育产教融合路径的认知与启示 职业教育院校的产教深度融合各项机制改革思考 行业参与推进职业教育产教融合模式的作用探析 职业教育产教融合中的企业权益及其影响机理 当前职业教育产教融合存在的问题及创新模式研究 职业教育教产合作的新探索 试论“产教结合”与职业教育的发展 职业教育涉农专业深化产教结合的策略分析 协同与优化:制造强国战略背景下职业教育产教融合发展的路径选择 现代职业教育产教融合校企合作的长效机制建设研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.




Abstract The dynamics of combination involving production and education depends on the degree to which the production and education control external relations. Production and education in China has experienced three stages from unity to separation to cooperation. The related policies also have experienced from planning to market to planning, and from centralization to decentralization to centralization. This phenomenon is stemmed from the influence by macro institutional environment, actors’ cognitive style and historical accumulation. The policy system of combination can be constructed from three aspects: to change the way of cognition and form the consensus on “middle zone”; to change policy paradigm and carry out institutional innovation from “supply side”; to construct the modern vocational education management system and urge the consciousness of the production and education self-integrated.

上一篇:镇痛药物在宫颈癌患者治疗中的合理应用 下一篇:论中职语文全程备课的目的性与针对性?