
时间:2022-09-10 01:27:55


[摘要] 目的 分析标准心肺复苏技术并综合干预措施对院外心脏性猝死患者的影响。 方法 选取2010年3月~2012年3月东莞市厚街地区抢救的63例OHCSD患者为观察组,参与抢救人员经专业化培训;同时,选取2007年12月~2011年12月抢救的60例OHCSD患者为对照组,参与抢救人员未经专业化培训;均采用CPR联合AED技术以及高级生命支持措施抢救。对比两组发病至救治时间及抢救后患者的存活率、死亡率以及整体抢救效果。 结果 观察组发病距离救治时间平均(9.3±1.7)min比对照组平均(14.2±2.3)min相对更短(P


[中图分类号] R541 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2013)14-168-02

Influence of standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation technique in patients with sudden cardiac death outside the hospital

CHEN Yanling HU Huailing HUANG Chunyan LI Xincheng CAI Chuanying

Department of Emergency,Houjie Hospital of Dongguan,Dongguan 523945,China

[Abstract] Objective To analyse the influence of CPR technique joint the comprehensive intervention measures used in patients with sudden cardiac death outside the hospital. Methods 63 cases of OHCSD patients were selected from March 2010 to March 2012 in Houjie districtof Dongguan city,defined as observation group,participate in the rescue personnel were all traininged by the specialized training.At the same time,60 cases of OHCSD patients were selected from December 2007 to December 2011,defined as control group;all the patients were rescued by CPR joint AED technology and advanced life support.Then compared the time from onset to treatment、the patients' survival rates,mortality and overall effect of the two groups after the rescue. Results The time from onset to treatment of the observation group was (9.3±1.7)min,and it was Relatively short comepared with the (14.2±2.3) min of the control group.The survival rate of observation group after rescue was 28.6%,the mortality was 71.4%;and the survival rate of observation group after rescue was 13.3%, the mortality was 86.7%;the whole rescue effect of the observation group was more obvious(P

[Key words] Standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation;Comprehensive intervention;Outside the hospital;Sudden cardiac death


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


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