少年红人 第3期

时间:2022-05-02 11:47:03

少年红人 第3期

One of the golden rules of film directing is to avoid working with children and animals. It is also a rule which is frequently ignored. Child actors have always been popular with audiences and child stars have always been a favourite of tabloids and gossip rags. They used to be the kids other kids wanted to be, and then became the adults that nowould want to be. Handling the success and fame that comes with being a showbiz big shot is never easy and is especially difficult when you have not yet gone through puberty. Despite all the media focus on the child stars who went bad, not all of them were complete failures. This month, Insight Entertainment takes a look at four of the most famous young guns in Hollywood's history.


Shirley Temple秀兰・邓波儿

The most famous child actress ever, Temple was No.1 at the box office throughout the later half of the 1930's. Born in 1928, she could dance, sing and act at the age of four. Audiences during the depression era in America were cheered by her dimples and curls. She also saved Fox from bankruptcy during those difficult times. Her most famous movie was Bright Eyes in which she sang the song most associated with her; Good Ship Lollipop. She was the first actress to ever have a doll made in her image. As Temple entered her teens her performances began to prove that she could actually play serious roles too. But audiences weren't interested in a grown up Shirley Temple and her movies started to flop. In the 1960's she abandoned show business completely and began a very successful diplomatic career serving as the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Ghana and Czechoslovakia.


Drew Barrymore德鲁・巴里摩尔

Barrymore was born in 1975 to a showbiz family. Her first movie role came in 1979 in Altered States but it was at age seven that she got her big break in E.T. Her career soared until the age of nine when things started to go bad, however. Her mother would take her along to Hollywood parties and she consequently developed an alcohol and drug abuse problem. After an unsuccessful suicide attempt she was sent into rehab and emerged at the age of 14. She decided to put her dark days behind her and continue her acting career. However, because of her reputation as a drug addict she found it hard to get roles until the mid-nineties. She is now once again one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood and even owns her own production company. "Success is the best revenge in the world," she said. "And I'm back."


Macaulay Culkin麦考利・卡尔金

Culkin became the highest paid child actor when, aged ten, he starred in the 1990 blockbuster, Home Alone. He had begun his movie career three years before but it was this movie and its sequel that made him one of the richest kids in the world. As is the case with many child stars, as Culkin matured and lost his cute boyish looks, audiences became less and less attracted to him. After a series of flops he retired from the entertainment industry at the age of 14. In 1995 his parents separated and a legal battle for control of Macaulay's $17 million dollar fortune ensued. In 2001 he made a comeback when he appeared on stage and went on to star in a few low-key films. His last major media appearance was when he was arrested for possession of narcotics in September, 2004.


Daniel Radcliffe丹尼尔・拉德克里夫

Born in 1989, Radcliffe expressed a desire to perform at the age of five. Initially his parents discouraged him but gradually gave in when they realized that he was determined to become an actor. He landed a TV role at the age of ten and made his film debut in the 2001 British film, The Tailor of Panama. Success came big when he started playing the lead role in the Harry Potter films and became known to the world as Harry Potter. These movies also made him the second wealthiest teenager in Britain after Prince Harry Windsor. Despite being one of the world's most recognizable people, Radcliffe leads a relatively normal life, attending school in London and hanging out with his friends.


Child Star Trivia 童星趣闻

1)10 year old Tatum O'Neal was the youngest star to win an Academy Award for her role in the 1973 hit movie, Paper Moon.

2)10 year old Gary Coleman became famous for his role in the popular and long running TV sitcom The Cosby Show. In 2003, he ran for governor of California and lost to Arnold Schwarzenneger.

3)The Olsen twins began their television career on the set of TV sitcom Full House at the tender age of one.

4)Adam Rich, child star of Eight is Enough was arrested in 1991 for trying to shoplift a pair of socks.





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