
时间:2022-05-12 08:49:55



Maggie: Mr. Dunn.

Frankie: I owe you money?

Maggie: No sir.

Frankie:I know your mama?

Maggie: Don't rightly know, sir.

Frankie: What is it you want?

Maggie:was on the under card; I won my fight, too. Maggie Fitzgerald?

Frankie: Well, Maggie Fitzgerald, what's up?

Maggie: Did you happen to see it?

Frankie: Nope.

Maggie: I did pretty good. Thought you might be interested in training me.

Frankie:I don't train girls.

Maggie: Maybe you should. People see me fight say I'm pretty tough.

Frankie: Girly, tough ain't enough.



Eddie: Little girl seems be coming along,

Frankie: Yeah. It's almost like something's been helping her.

Eddie: She might just be a natural, looks like she's got something.

Frankie: She got my speed bag that was she's got.

Eddie:I wonder how the hell she got that.

Frankie:I wonder.

Frankie: I'm going to need that speed bag back.

Maggie: This bag?

Frankie: Yes, that bag. That's my bag. And if you're hitting it people will think I'm training you.

Maggie: Is that such a bad thing, boss?

Frankie: Yes it is. Every time you touch it, you lose me business out here.

Maggie: I gotta agree I am embarrassing myself.

Frankie: Well, I can't just lend it to anybody, you know?

Maggie: I understand.

Frankie: Yeah. Look, you seem like a nice girl. Can I give you some advice?

Maggie: I'd appreciate that.

Frankie: You're gonna find a trainer either in this gym or somewhere else that's gonna want to train a girl, it's the latest freak show out there. But the only trouble is they're gonna be wasting your time because you're too old.

Maggie: I don't feel that old.

Frankie: Well, neither do I but you don't see me fighting 21 year-olds, do you? It takes about four years to train a fighter. How old are you?

Maggie: Thirty-one, until my next birthday.

Frankie: There you go, thirty-one; you wouldn't start training to be a ballerina at thirty-one now, would you?

Maggie: Already been working at it for three years.

Frankie: And you can't hit a speed bag. What kind of training is that?

Maggie: I never had any, boss.

Frankie: Well I hate to say it, but it shows. Somebody's gotta be honest with you; I hate to be the one to tell you the truth.

Maggie:Yeah, well, sorry for using your bag, Mr. Dunn.

Frankie: You're not gonna cry now, are you?

Maggie:No, sir.

Frankie: Here. Keep the goddamn thing.

Maggie: No, you need it.

Frankie: No, take the bag. I haven't seen it for twenty years anyway, I've three sets there. Just, just enjoy it, will you!

Maggie: I'll just borrow it 'til I buy my own.

Frankie: Yeah. Just don't lose it.



Frankie: You're not breathing right, that's why you're panting. So, it's your birthday, huh? How old does that make you?

Maggie: I'm thirty-two, Mr. Dunn. And I'm here being celebrating the fact that I've spent another year scraping dishes and waitressing, which is what I've been doing since thirteen. And according to you I'll be thirty-seven before I can even throw a decent punch, which means I have to work on this speed bag getting nowhere, and I now realize God's simple truth. Other truth is, my brother is in prison, my sister cheats on Welfare by pretending that one of her babies is still alive, my dad's dead and my mama weighs three hundred and twelve pounds. If I was thinking straight out, I'd go back home, find a used trailer, buy a deep-fryer and some Oreos. Problem is, this is the only thing I've ever felt good doing. If I'm too old for this then I got nothing. Is that enough truth to suit you?

Frankie: This your speed bag?

Maggie: Put yours behind the counter. Wish I could say I wore it out.

Frankie: Hold it, hold it. I'll show you a few things and then we'll get you a trainer.

Maggie: No. Sorry.

Frankie: You're in a position to negotiate?

Maggie: Yes sir. Because I know if you train me right, I'm going to be a champ. I've seen you looking at me.

Frankie: Yeah, out of pity.

Maggie: Don't you say that. Don't you say that if it ain't true? I want a trainer, I don't want charity, and I don't want favors. If you're not interested then I got more celebrating to do.

Frankie: Stop, stop, stop, goddamn it stop! What the hell are you doing? Ok. If I'm going to take you on...

Maggie: You won't never regret.

Frankie: Look, just listen to me. If I take you on...

Maggie: I promise I'll work so hard.

Frankie: God, this is a mistake already.

Maggie: I'm listening, boss.

Frankie: If I take you on, you don't say anything, you don't question me, you don't ask why, you don't say anything except 'maybe, yes, Frankie'. And I'm gonna try to forget the fact that you're a girl.

Maggie: It's all I ask.

Frankie: And don't come crying to me if you get hurt.

Maggie: We got a deal.

Frankie: No, not quite. I'm gonna teach you how to fight, and we'll get you a manager and I'm off on the road.

Maggie:Well I hate to argue with you but...

Frankie: Don't argue with me. That's the only way we're doing it. I teach you all you need to know and then you go off and make a million dollars. I don't care. You get your teeth knocked out. I don't care. I don't want to hear about it either way. That's just the way it's gotta be. It's the only way I'll do it.



Frankie: Damn woman won't do a thing I tell her.

Eddie: You want my advice?

Frankie: What? Where are your shoes?

Eddie: I'm airing out my feet.

Frankie: You got big holes in your socks.

Eddie: Oh, they're not that big.

Frankie: Didn't I give you money for some new ones?

Eddie: These are my sleeping socks. My feet like a little air at the night.

Frankie:How come you're wearing them in the daytime?

Eddie:Because my daytime socks got too many holes in them.

Frankie:Well, if I give you some more money, buy some new socks. Please?

Eddie: Well, I'd be tempted but I couldn't say for sure. Might find its way to the track.



Maggie: What are you reading?

Frankie: What's she saying?

Eddie: Wants to know what you're reading.

Frankie: It's Yeats. Keep your head back.

Eddie: Why don't you talk a little Yeats to her? Show her what a treat that is.

Frankie:When the hell are they going to get to her?

Maggie:I'm OK, Frankie.

Frankie: What did you learn tonight?

Maggie: Always protect myself.

Frankie: What's the rule?

Maggie:Always protect myself.

Nurse: Margaret Fitzgerald?


Frankie: I'll be right here.

Eddie: How you doing?

Frankie: Me?

Eddie: Yeah, you.

Frankie: I am not the one who's hurt.

Eddie: Broken nose don't hurt that much.

Frankie:Why you telling me that?

Eddie: No reason. But some wounds are too deep or too close to the bone. And no matter how hard you work at it, you just can't stop the bleeding.

Priest: Do you write your daughter?

Frankie: Every week.

Priest:I have no idea why you come to the church.



Mama: This is the Johnson's old house.

Maggie: Not any more. It's all yours, mama. For you, Mardale and the kids.

Mama: You bought this for me.

Maggie:Yes, all yours. Free and clear.

Mama: Darling!

Mardale: There's no fridge. No stove neither.

Maggie: They'll be here before you move in.

Mama:How much money this cost?

Maggie: You never mind that.

Mama: Well you shouldn't have done this.

Maggie:You need a decent place.

Mama: You shouldn't have done it. You should have asked me first. Darling, government's gonna find out about this house there gonna stop my Welfare.

Maggie: Know they ain't.

Mama: Yes, they are. You're fine. You are working, but I can't live without my Welfare.

Maggie: Mom, I send you money.

Mama:What about my medicine? Medicare gonna cut me off. How am I supposed to get my medicine?

Maggie: I'll send you more money.

Mardale: I hope you don't expect J.D. to move in here with us. He's getting out, you know?

Mama: Why didn't you just give me the money? Why you bought me a house?

Maggie: Didn't have to mama, but it's yours, you want the money, sell it.

Mama: I don't...



Maggie: I got nobody but you, Frankie.

Frankie: But you've got me. At least that is until we find you a good manager.

Maggie: Hey, can we stop just up here?

Frankie: Yeah.

Maggie:This place has the best lemon pie around. None of that can filling crap!

Frankie: Now I can die and go to heaven.

Maggie: I used to come here with Daddy.

Frankie: I wonder if a place like this is for sale. I got a little bit of savings.



Frankie: Anyway I'll tell you in English what you are saying. It says, 'I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree. And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made, then I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow. Dropping from the veils of the morning, to where the cricket sings'. Not bad.

Maggie: Are you gonna build a cabin, boss?

Frankie: Me?

Maggie: Yeah. You know, when you quit all this.

Frankie: You mean boxing? No, I'll never quit it. I like this thing too much I guess.

Maggie: You think? Because I could see you there really easy with your books and lemon pie.

Frankie: How about you? Would you like to go live in a cabin?

Maggie:I could learn how to bake.

Frankie: Yeah. Why not? Maybe I'll start looking then.



Eddie: I went to see Maggie this morning. You must have been somewhere else.


Eddie: You've had a fight I don't know about?

Frankie: It wasn't your fault. I was wrong to say that.

Eddie: You're damn right. I found you a fighter, and you made the best fighter she could be.

Frankie:I killed her.

Eddie: Don't say that. Maggie walked through that door with nothing but guts. No chance in the world of being what she needed to be. And a year and a half later, she's fighting for the championship of the world. You did that. People die everyday, Frankie. Mopping floors, washing dishes, and you know what their last thought is? I never got my shot. Because of you, Maggie got her shot. If she dies today, you know what her last thought will be. I think I did all right. I know I could rest with that.

Frankie:Yeah. Yeah.

nope 俚语,相当于“no”。

ain't 相当于“be + not”。在美国南方英语和古英语中使用较多。

freak show 习惯用语,相当于“very strange thing”。

goddamn 口语,相当于“God damn”。

Welfare 这里指美国实行的福利制度。

Oreos 一种饼干的名称,中文叫“奥利奥”。








这是一部关于尊严、梦想和宽恕的电影。故事的主线讲述了一位女拳击手的奋斗历程,读者可不要因此误认为这是一部体育类励志片。本片更像是一部艺术影片,关注的是“人”本身,是拳击手人生成长的历程。无论是弗兰克、麦琪,还是艾迪,他们所热爱的拳击事业,在带给他们快乐和满足的同时,还给他们留下了难以释怀的痛苦和遗憾――艾迪因失去一只眼睛而不能问鼎冠军,麦琪得到金牌却失去了生命,孤独的弗兰克培养了无数冠军却失去了亲情。人人都渴望生命的光环,哪怕它的光芒只是瞬间的,哪怕付出的代价是巨大的。她将拳击视为人生中最重要的部分。身为教练的弗兰克时刻告诫麦琪要Always protect yourself,他希望拳击手充分享受运动所带来的乐趣,而不是名誉和金钱这类额外的东西。在经历了一系列冲突和错位后,故事的主角们最终还是找到了各自的答案,走出了他们的痛苦。比如麦琪曾站到了人生的巅峰,得到了弗兰克的父爱,她无憾地离去。而艾迪也向弗兰克道出了心声:I never got my shot. Because of you, Maggie got her shot. If she dies today, you know what her last thought will be. I think I did all right. I know I could rest with that.

“这也是一个关于爱的故事,一个因为亲生女儿的疏远而痛苦的教练在女拳手的身上找到了父亲的亲情。在弗兰克正式接受麦琪的那一刻起,本片就变成了爱的故事,这不是浪漫的男女之爱,而是父女之间的爱,简单而深沉。”导演伊斯特伍德如是说。从最初的I don't train girls 到I'm gonna try to forget the fact that you're a girl,再到I just protect you, I made a lot of mistake in my life, I just want to keep you from doing the same,一直到最后的But now, she was to die, and I just want to keep her with me。弗兰克和麦琪之间的感情日渐真挚,令人为之动容,只是这种幸福仍然是短暂的。影片结尾处,主人公的人生没有被命运所操纵,而是被爱所推动,一步步走向终点,而弗兰克在做出了他和麦琪之间的选择后便从此消失。影片最后一个画面定格在IRA's roadside diner,透过玻璃,依稀可见弗兰克独自坐在那里,回忆曾经和麦琪一起品尝美味的柠檬派的美好时光。

上一篇:外漂一族 第4期 下一篇:商界奇女 第4期