
时间:2022-10-28 06:42:38


【摘 要】据调查,初中生在英语书面表达过程中普遍存在着一些问题。如何解决这个问题?本文作者提出了自己的见解。

【关键词】初中英语 书面表达能力 问题 策略




1. 中式英语Chinglish :如:There are three boys are playing basketball on the playground.Please tell her doesn’t cross the road.

2. 错别字、近义词混淆、词性用错。如:My father can do cakes.He speaks English very good.

3. 词组、句型使用不正确。如He has made some friend in the school.It took him forty minutes do his homework last night.

4. 时态、语态、人称把握不准。如:His father has died three days ago.The homework has done.

5. 不注意名词的单复数或第三人称单数。如:I saw three boy in the park.Three are some breads in the basket.The shirt feel soft.

6. 格式、大小写、标点不规范。如:句首字母不注意大写,使用从句时不会使用标点:After he went back home. He cooked supper.



学生坚持听写、默写,巩固词汇;要求学生给出与单词有关的同义、近义、反义和词形相似的词。如:反义like/dislike,friendly/unfriendly,possible/impossible. 词形相似的词quite/quiet,parents/presents/peasants;以某一词为中心,写出该词的不同形式或词性,组成典型的句型,不断丰富词汇和句型。如拼写单词die时,不但要写出其过去式过去分词died,而且要写出其他词性(death, dead, dying), 再分别组句,如:Xie Jin died five days ago. He has been dead for five days. His death made his pet very sad. It is dying.又如写到易混淆的词pay, spend, cost, take时,可以多种方式表达句意。Mary paid 120 yuan for the skirt. She spent 120 yuan on the skirt. She spent 120 yuan buying the skirt. The skirt cost her 120 yuan. It took her fifty minutes to read the newspaper yesterday.等。学生通过词汇练习,有效地积累了词汇,为组句打下了基础;在词句落实的基础上,还向学生提出稍高的要求,写出高质量的句子,如:What a smart brother he has! (He has a smart brother.);He studies so hard that we like him.( He studies very hard. We like him. )


《新标准》教材每个单元围绕一个话题(Topic)展开,每个话题都有一定的功能(Function)。如:八年级教材中Module 5 Western music 等话题,我都精心围绕这些话题,运用本单元的重点句型,训练学生书面表达。针对Unit1中的话题,设计Talk about what music you like or you don’t.Why do you like it?针对Unit 2中的话题,设计Use the notes to write a passage about the composer Xian Xinghai作业。




①表选择: or, either…or.②表转折或让步: but, although, though, yet, however, no matter…, after all.③表对比:like, unlike, while, compared.④表举例:for example, such as…,take …for example, in one’s opinion, in other words.⑤表强调:in fact, of course, first of all, What’s worse.⑥表时间顺序:when, after, before, as soon as, soon after, since then, then, later, next, at last, first, secondly, thirdly, finally,at the same time.⑦表因果关系: because, since, as, for, for this reason, because of this, therefore, so, so…that….等。

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