
时间:2022-10-20 08:24:26


____ 英语训练营之实战演练:词汇、语法、作文,每期精心打造,帮助读者朋友们提高英语的各项基本功。



Many people think a telephone is__1__. But I think it is a__2__and a time waster. Very often you find it impossible to__3__from some idle or inquisitive chatterbox, or from somebody who wants something for__4. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it__5__to ring when you least want it to ring; when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out, or when you are in your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to__6__it, to say to yourself “Ah, well, it will all be the same in a hundred years’ time?” You are not. You think there may be some important news or message for you. I can__7__you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the table, or dazed from the bed,__8__to be told that you are a wrong number?

But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone__9, and you can have a telephone which is only usable for__10__calls. Besides, you will say, isn’t it important to have a telephone__11__sudden emergency―illness, accident, or fire? Of course, you are right, but here in a__12__populated country like England one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.

I think perhaps I had better try to__13__myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances―if I__14__a tycoon, for instance, or bed-ridden I might find a telephone essential. But then if I were a taxi-driver I should find a car essential. Let me__15__it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular__16: one is mechanical invention, the other is literature. My own business__17__to be with the use of word but I see I must now stop using them. For I have just been handed a__18__of paper to say that somebody is waiting to speak to me__19__the telephone. I think I had better answer it.__20__, one never knows, it may be something important.

1. A.especial B.estimable C.essential D.ethical

2. A.pest B.benefit C.profit D.advantage

3. A.separate B.escape C.result D.differ

4. A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

5. A.stick B.tend C.object D.devote

6. A.hesitate B.ignore C.sigh D.expire

7. A.assure B.assess C.assume D.associate

8. A.even B.almost C.nearly D.only

9. A.director B.directorate C.directory D.dictionary

10. A.forward B.backward C.outgoing D.inward

11. A.regardless of B.in case of C.in addition to D.in regard to

12. A.thickly B.thin C.widely D.narrowly

13. A.justify B.justifiable C.justification D.justified

14. A.be B.am C.were D.was

15. A.say B.tell C.speak D.put

16. A.solution B.possibility C.aptitude D.ability

17.A.intends B.means C.happens D.longs

18. A.slice B.slip C.bunch D.school

19. A.under B.on C.upon D.for

20. A.After all B.In all C.At all D.All or nothing


1. C。根据题干的意思“许多人认为电话______”,此题应选essential。especial“特殊的”,estimable“值得尊重的”,essential“必不可少的、极其重要的”,ethical“伦理的、道德的”。

2. A。位于句首的but提示你此题应选一个能描述电话是不好的选项。pest“讨厌的人或事物”,benefit“优势、益处”,profit“收益、好处”,advantage“有利条件、有利因素”。

3. B。此题考察动词词组的辨析:separate from“分割、分离”,escape from“摆脱”,result from“由……引起”,differ from“与……不同”。

4. D。for nothing是个固定搭配,它含有“免费、不花钱”的意思。

5. B。动词原形ring提示你此题应选一个跟不定式to搭配的动词。stick to doing“坚持做某事”,tend to do“往往会……”,object to doing“反对做某事”,devote to doing“致力于做某事”。

6. B。此题应选及物动词ignore。hesitate“犹豫”,ignore“对……不予理会”,sigh“叹息”,expire“失效、终止”。

7. A。根据题干的意思“如果信息确实非常重要,我能向你______,它迟早会传到你的耳朵里”,此题应选assure。assure“向……保证”,assess“评价”,assume“假设”,associate“联想”。

8. D。only to do sth. 是个固定搭配,它含有“不料……、竟然……”的意思。

9. C。此题考察形近词的辨析。director“负责人”,directorate“部门”,directory“电话号码簿”,dictionary“词典”。

10. C。既然前半句提到有些人不想把自己的名字印在电话簿里,那么这类人或许会选择装一部只能打出去的电话。forward“向前的”,backward“向后的”,outgoing“向外的”,inward“向内的”。

11. B。根据题干的意思“而且你会说______突然出现非常紧急的情况,比如生病、出车祸、着火,那么拥有一部电话不是很重要吗”,此题应选in case of。regardless of“不管”,in case of“如果”,in addition to“除……以外”,in regard to“关于”。

12. A。England的人口比较稠密,所以此题应选thickly。thickly“稠密”,thin“薄”,widely“广泛地”,narrowly“狭隘地”。

13. A。不定式to提示你此题应选动词justify。justify“证明……是正确的”,justifiable“有理由的”,justification“正当理由”,justified“有正当理由的”。

14. C。此题所在的句子用到了虚拟语气。如果从句所描述的事实跟现在不符,那么从句的谓语动词be就得用were的形式。

15. D。put it another way是个惯常的表达方式,它的意思为“换句话说”。

16. C。定语从句里的for提示你此题该选aptitude。solution to“解决……的办法”,possibility of“可能性”,aptitude for“天赋、天生的才能”,ability to do sth.“做……的能力”。

17. C。根据题干的意思“我______是跟文字打交道的,但我现在必须放下手头上的文字工作”,此题应选happens。intend to do“打算做……”,mean to do“打算做……”,happen to do“碰巧……”,long to do“渴望做……”。

18. B。此题考察词义的辨析:。slice“薄片”,slip“纸条”,bunch“串、束”,school“群”。

19. B。介词on和telephone搭配可表示“在电话那头”的意思。

20. A。此题考察含有all的词组的辨析:after all“毕竟”,in all“共计”,at all“完全”,all or nothing“孤注一掷”。


United States customs law__1__an antique as an object that is more than 100 years old. It is__2__, however, that an object must be more than just 20 years old in order to be called an antique. Properly, an antique must also be distinguished by some degree of__3__or historic merit. An antique is usually both beautiful and__4. It may also have additional interest and value because of its__5__to a historical period or to some well-known person. George Washington’s teapot and dining room chairs, for example, are more valuable as antiques than those that belonged__6__most other 18th century Americans.

Antiques of all kinds are highly valued for their__7__beauty, craftsmanship, and__8__of design. They may also be made of__9__materials such as gold or silver, but they may also be made of__10__materials such as wood or paper. Most antiques are things that were__11__used as household furnishings. These__12__furniture, silver, glass, ceramics, rugs, embroideries, and various kinds of metalware. In museums these objects__13__the decorative arts. They are studied and exhibited in ways that are different__14__the ways in which the fine arts (paintings, prints, and sculpture, for example) are studied and presented.

Antiques are studied by cultural and social__15__, who see them as direct clues__16__a people’s way of life. Such scholars are less__17__the beauty of a piece than with its typicality, craftsmanship, and role in the__18__and social life of its owners. Washington’s teapot and dining room chairs are studied as examples of 18th century pottery and furniture making. They are also studied for their roles in daily life at Washington’s home, Mount Vernon. Such material culture studies have__19__private collectors greatly because the results have__20__the associative or relic value of certain objects.

1. A.defect B.define C.defend D.defer

2. A.understood B.understand C.meant D.mean

3. A.aesthetician B.aesthete C.aesthetic D.aesthetics

4. A.decorative B.decorous C.decolorant D.declarative

5. A.solution B.answer C.key D.relationship

6. A.in B.to C.for D.upon

7. A.intrinsic B.intricate C.intuitive D.intrusive

8. A.quantity B.quality C.quantify D.qualify

9. A.省略monplace C.rare D.general

10. A.valueless B.expensive C.dear D.ordinary

11. A.periodically B.repeatedly C.regularly D.originally

12. A.inclusive B.inclusion C.include D.including

13. A.represent B.reserve C.remove D.renew

14. A.in B.from C.against D.for

15. A.historicity B.historicism C.historian D.histology

16. A.of B.to C.from D.for

17. A.concerned with B.concerned about C.concerned for D.concerned in

18.A.economical B.economic C.economics D.economy

19. A.suffered B.embarrassed C.baffled D.benefited

20. A.improved B.assimilated C.enhanced D.appreciated


1. B。根据题干的意思“在美国,适用于海关的法律把古董______为有一百多年历史的东西”,此题应选define。defect“背叛”,define“给……下定义”,defend“保卫”,defer“推迟”。

2. A。It is understood that…是一个固定的句式,它的意思是“据说……”。

3. C。名词merit提示你此题应选一个形容词来充当前置定语。aesthetician“美学家”,aesthete“审美家”,aesthetic“美学的、艺术的”,aesthetics“美学”。

4. A。根据题干的意思“通常,古董会很漂亮,而且它们也______”,此题应选decorative。decorative“作装饰用的”,decorous“端庄的”,decolorant“漂白的”,declarative“公告的”。

5. D。此题考察名词词组的辨析:solution to“解决办法”,answer to“回答”,key“要诀”,relationship to“联系”。

6. B。belong to“属于”。

7. A。此题考察形近词的辨析:intrinsic“固有的、内在的”,intricate“错综复杂的”,intuitive“凭直觉获知的”,intrusive“打扰人的”。

8. B。此题考察形近词的辨析:quantity“数量”,quality“质量”,quantify“量化”,qualify“合格”。

9. C。such as后面的gold和silver提示你此题应选一个表示“稀罕”的形容词

10. D。such as后面的wood和paper提示你此题应选一个表示“普通”的形容词。

11. D。根据题干的意思“大多数古董______是被用来做家具的”,此题应选originally。periodically“定期”,repeatedly“屡次”,regularly“有规律地”,originally“起初”。

12. C。此题所在的句子缺了一个谓语动词,所以我们应该选include。

13. A。此题考察形近词的辨析:represent“代表”,reserve“保存”,remove“消除”,renew“更新”。

14. B。different from“与……不同”。

15. C。关系代词who提示你此题应选表示某类人的先行项。historicity “历史性”, historicism“复古主义”,historian“历史学家”,histology“组织学”。

16. B。clue to sth.“……的线索”。

17. A。此题考察形容词词组的辨析:concerned with“对……感兴趣”,concerned about“因为……而感到担心”,concerned for“因为……而感到担心”,concerned in“与……有联系”。

18. B。此题考察形近词的辨析:economical“实惠的”,economic“经济的”,economics“经济学”,economy“经济”。

19. D。根据题干的意思“研究材料所蕴涵的文化能使私人收藏者大大地______”,此题应选benefit。suffer“受难”,embarrass“使窘迫”,baffle“使困惑”,benefit“获益、使受益”。

20. C。此题考察动宾在语义上的搭配问题。enhance...value“提高……的价值”。improve“改进、改善”,assimilate“同化”,appreciate“欣赏”。


__1__researchers learn more about how children’s intelligence develops, they are increasingly surprised by the__2__of parents. The power of the school has been__3__by the home. To__4__, all the factors__5__are part of intelligence―the child’s understanding of language, learning patterns, curiosity―are__6__well before the child enters school at the age of six. Study after study has__7__that even after school begins, children’s achievements have been far more__8__by parents than by teachers. This is__9__true about learning that is language-related. The school rather than the home is given credit__10__variations in achievement in__11__such as science.

In view__12__their power, it’s sad to see so many parents not making the__13__of their child’s intelligence. Until recently parents had been warned by educators who asked them not to educate their children. Many teachers now realize that children cannot be educated only at school and parents are being asked to__14__both before__15__after the child enters school.

Parents have been particularly__16__to teach reading at home. Of course, children shouldn’t be__17__to read by their parents,__18__educators have discovered that reading is best taught individually―and the easiest__19__to do this is at home. Many five-year-olds who have been shown a few letters and taught their sounds will__20__single words of their own with them even before they have been taught to read.

1.A.Before B.As C.So D.Although

2.A.power B.insight C.viewpoint D.thought

3.A.relieved B.remarked C.replaced D.reminded

4.A.deal with B.begin with C.cope with D.interfere with

5.A.who B.what C.where D.which

6.A.established B.estimated C.erupted D.eroded

7.A.arisen B.existed C.shown D.appeared

8A.convinced B.influenced C.insured D.transferred

9.A.adequately B.extensively C.accurately D.particularly

10.A.of B.for C.about D.on

11.A.subjects B.objects C.substances D.materials

12.A.over B.of C.at D.from

13.A.more B.much C.most D.many

14.A.constitute B.constrain C.construct D.contribute

15. A.or B.nor C.and D.but

16.A.accustomed B.due C.afraid D.attached

17.A.pushed B.polish C.prosecute D.prejudice

18.A.because B.since C.therefore D.but

19.A.place B.time C.person D.tool

20.省略pliment B.省略ply plain


1. B。根据题干的意思“______研究人员越了解儿童的智力,他们就越会因为父母亲的影响力而感到吃惊”,此题应选as“随着……、当……的时候”。

2. A。下文反复出现的power提示此题应选A。

3. C。根据题干的意思“学校对儿童智力的影响已被家庭所______”,此题应选replace“代替、取代”。relieve“解除、减轻、缓和”,remark“谈论、评论”,remind“提起、使……想起”。

4. B。to begin with是个固定搭配,它含有“首先、起初、开始”的意思。

5. D。先行项all the factors在定语从句are part of intelligence里充当的是主语,所以此题应选关系代词which。

6. A。根据题干的意思“智力的各种因素──儿童对于语言的理解能力、学习方式和好奇心早在他们六岁上学之前就已经______了”,此题应选establish“形成、建立、确定”。estimate“估计、估算”,erupt“喷发、爆发”,erode“侵蚀、腐蚀”。

7. C。arise、exist和appear都是不及物动词,所以此题应选可作及物动词使用的show。

8. B。根据题干的意思“父母比老师更会______孩子们的学习成绩”,此题应选influence “影响”。convince“使……信服”,insure“为……投保”,transfer“转移、搬运、迁移”。

9. D。此题考察副词的辨析。adequately“充分地”,extensively“广泛地”,accurately“精确地”,particularly“尤其、特别”。

10. B。当credit表示“肯定、赞扬、赞许”的时候,它只能跟介词for搭配。

11. A。下文出现的science“理科”提示此题应选含有“科目”意思的subject。

12. B。in view of是个固定搭配,它含有“鉴于、考虑到、由于”的意思。

13. C。make the most of是个固定搭配,它含有“充分利用、尽情享受”的意思。

14. D。根据题干的意思“父母被要求为孩子入学前后的教育______”,此题应选contribute“贡献、出一份力”。Constitute“是、组成、构成”,constrain“强迫、限制”,construct“修建、组成、绘制”。

15. C。上文出现的both提示此题应选and。

16. C。accustomed to“习惯于……”,due to“由于”和attached to“附属于……”里的to都是介词,所以此题应选afraid。

17. A。根据题干的意思“父母不应______孩子去读书”,此题应选 push“逼迫、催促”。polish“擦亮”,prosecute“”,prejudice“使……有偏见”。

18. D。根据题干的意思“父母不应强迫孩子去读书,______教育家们发现阅读最适合单独教授”,此题应选but。

19. A。下文的at home提示此题应选含有“地点”意思的place。

20. B。此题考察动词词义的辨析:compliment“赞美、恭维”,compose“组成、构成”,comply“服从、遵守”,complain“抱怨、发牢骚”。

上一篇:如何应对四级考试新题型之翻译篇 下一篇:加拿大的传统体育――曲棍球