
时间:2022-10-13 12:48:20


受试设计目的:我校内初班生源多数都是从南疆过来的少数民族学生,这些孩子几乎不会说汉语,85%来自疆内偏远贫困地区,语言基础十分薄弱浅。汉语﹑英语对这些孩子来说是一片空白,学习中对问题不理解.质朴的孩子思维以直线型为主,学习中存在多种语言间干扰情况.英语词汇的音﹑形﹑义与他们的本族语及汉语中词汇差异都很大。而且他们的大多数在进入初中是从零开始学英语的.学习英语困难较大,再加上学习动机,民族情感,多语言文化等这些因素对学生的英语学习也有主要影响。英语作为语言, 起着传递信息的作用, 是以交际为目的的。而这一目标的实施, 需要通过口语来实现。重视口语, 使学生把语言看成活的东西, 看成有用的交际工具和了解世界的工具。通过口语这种方式, 亲身体验语言, 将会大大有利于他们的阅读技能的培养.. 另一方面, 在互相传递信息的同时, 也提高了听的能力及措词组句的能力。英语口语教学有两个特点:一是实践性特强,二是方法十分重要。效率的双赢目的。针对第一语言的学生,目前,各个内初班办班学校的英语口语教学方法还都处于探索阶段,这些孩子口语发音不准,说话不流利且听力太差,无法用英语进行交流,因此,培养好中学生的英语口语能力势在必行。

受试对象基本情况:2008年9月,我接了初一两个新生班,两个班均为区内初中班,学生均来自于喀什与吐鲁番地区,其中40%的学生在小学时并没有学习英语兴趣,从最初的starter 开始的新课引入,我发现一些同学不愿开口说英语,使得在课堂中开展的“pair work”“group work”“bingo”等活动进行的不是很顺畅。我开始担心起来,这样下去会不会影响到孩子们今后的语言发展。







接下来,在课堂上我从自己的面部表情开始,以因为教师的面部表情是学生们注意力最集中的地方,在学生回答问题时面带微笑,期许的目光注视着学生,鼓励他们大胆的回答问题,当学生回答不错的的时候不仅仅用一句“good”来表扬学生,还有“excellent”“great”“wonderful”“very good” “smart”等,并面带微笑从而营造出宽松和谐的氛围,从而引发学生的兴趣,诱发学生的学习动机,焕发学生讲英语的热情使学生积极主动的进行英语口语表达。


The Lesson Plan of “Welcome to Xinjiang”

Teacher: Zhouguilian

Date: 2010.9.1

Teaching contents: The tourist spots and specialties in Xinjiang

Teaching goals: 1.In this lesson, students will learn six tourist spots and three specialties in Xinjiang.

2. After this lesson, students will be able to introduce tourist spots and specialties to others in English.

Teaching key points: Teach students to introduce tourist spots and specialties in Xinjiang.

Teaching difficulties: Lead students to introduce tourist spots and specialties in Xinjiang freely.

Teaching procedures:

Warm up:

Before the class, let students enjoy the song of Xinjiang. The teacher shows up as a tour guide. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! My name is … Nice to meet you! Do you enjoy the song we listened just now? What is it about? Yeah, it's about Xinjiang. Today, I'm your guide. I will show you around Xinjiang. But do you know why we call this place Xinjiang?

Step 1 Brainstorming:

Do you like Xinjiang? What do you think of Xinjiang? Encourage students to think of some words or phrases to describe Xinjiang. Then let individual student say something about Xinjiang.

Step 2 Greeting:

1: Show a picture of tourists in Xinjiang. Introduce the word “tourist”. Then show a picture of a foreign tourist. Teach the new word “foreigner”. Introduce Frank and Zhang Hua to students and let students imagine what they would say.

2: Present the conversation between Frank and Zhang Hua to students. Ask them to read it loudly together.

Ask students to make a similar conversation and act it out. If you meet someone for the first time, what would you say?

Zhang Hua: Hello! Welcome to Xinjiang!

Frank: Thank you. I'm Frank.

Zhang Hua: I'm Zhang Hua. Nice to meet you, Frank.

Frank: Nice to meet you, too. It's my first time to be here.

Zhang Hua: Really? Do you like Xinjiang?

Frank: Yes. It's beautiful.

Zhang Hua: I think so. I hope you have fun in Xinjiang. Role play

Suppose you are a foreign tourist. You and your partner meet in Xinjiangfor the first time. Please make a similar conversation and act it out.

Step 3 Tourist spots in Xinjiang

Show pictures of some tourist spots in Xinjiang and ask students if they know all of them.

Then show pictures and introduce each tourist spot to students.

Present all the pictures of tourist spots and let students try to introduce each tourist spot.

Memory challenge.

Let students choose numbers and introduce tourist spots.

Step 4 Oral practice

Show pictures of tourist spots and specialties in Xinjiang. The teacher acts as a tour guide and introduce tourist spots and specialties in Xinjiang to students.

1: Ask students to work in groups and try to introduce Xinjiang in English.

2: Invite some students to act as a tour guide.

Step 5 Exploring

1. Find more tourist spots in English.

2. Go to Hong Shan park on weekends and practice introducing Xinjiang to others. If you meet some foreigners, try to help them and be their guide.

受试 结论与反思: 通过一学期的学习和实践,由于学生的不懈努力及我的不断督促和训练,证明了我用这样的教学方法设计对学生在英语口语交际能力上的培养步骤、方法是正确的。这不仅给了我很大的激励,也提高了学生学习英语的积极性和主动性,更为今后的学习奠定了基础。同时结合了外语特色班的特殊性,时时“以人为本”,在教会学生“学会英语”的同时也教会了他们“学会生活”!让学生们用他们周围非常熟悉的人,事进行练习。因为内初班的孩子乐于表达。随后我在后来的单元学习中,多次举行类似的竞赛,调动了学生们学习外语的积极性,也树立了他们学习英语的自信心。在接下来的一年时间里,我投入了更大的热情,常常用赞许的目光与微笑、肯定的话语给孩子们鼓舞、勇气,即使在发言时有错误我也用较为婉转的语气,如:“ Here, we had better say …” 或者“ It's better to say …”在平时的课堂上,我尽量发挥学生的主体作用,促使学生能够积极主动的进行口语交流,使学生保持口语学习的热情。我认为作为英语教师,可以扮演不同的角色,可以使导演,评委,主要演员,也可以是观众与配角。于此同时,我对学生也是一视同仁,尽量让每个学生都发言的机会。帮助学生克服口语学习中的心理障碍,并形成良性循环。

教材上的对话是很好的口语教材,课文也能转换为能上口的对话,并且能将前面所学的内容“揉搓”在一起形成综合性的对话,形式可以使多样的,可以是复述课文,讲小故事,情景对话,接龙游戏等进行口语训练。课前的5分钟口语训练(daily report);课堂上的分组;分层的口语训练;朗诵会;课本剧表演;还可以过多媒体教学展示一定的场景,使学生们在情真意切的环境里感知,应用,达到锻炼学生开口说话的能力并获取新的语言知识的目的。通过这些活动,让班里的气氛更活跃,包括后进生也带着浓厚的兴趣开始参与进来,他们越来越乐于表达。

随着时展的需要,内初班的学生在listening ,speaking, reading, writing 的能力基础上更加重视英语交际能力,强调学以致用。因此,口语教学有赖于学生的坚持不懈的努力与老师始终如一的引领。我愿与同行一起继续探讨内初班有效教学的更多方式方法。

更多的精力投入到研究中去。学习英语的重要性已是众所皆知:随着社会生活的信息化和经济生活的全球化,我国对外开放的进程日益加快。学习和掌握一门外国语,开展对外交流是对21世纪国民素质的基本要求。然而,在实际生活中,由于对口语 ,听力训练不够,大部分内初班孩子.口语发音不准,说话不流利且听力太差,无法用英语进行交流.因此培养内初班班学生的英语口语能力势在必行.

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