
时间:2022-10-10 05:51:07






1. 保护眼睛的重要性;

2. 保护眼睛的具体措施;






How to Protect Our Eyes

It’s important for everyone to keep good eyesight. But now more and more students wear glasses. They can see the blackboard clearly with the help of glasses.

So we must do something to protect our eyes. When you read books or newspapers for about an hour, you must stop to have a rest. Don’t read in dim light or in the sun. Reading in a moving car is also bad for your eyes. Doing eye-exercises is another way to protect your eyes. Remember to do eye-exercises every day. You’d better not stay up late, or your eyes can’t get a good rest.

As the saying goes: Eyes are the windows of our mind. Let’s protect our eyes from now on.


该文信息表达全面,第一段写了眼睛的重要性及不保护眼睛的后果。第二段So we must do something to protect our eyes 很自然地引出下文。”Doing eye-exercises is another way to protect your eyes”一句使文章增色不少。连词的使用使文章结构严谨紧凑。短语使用得当。

How to Protect Our Eyes

Eyes are windows of the soul. It’s very important for everyone to keep good eyesight. Here’s some advice on how to protect our eyes.

Firstly, you shouldn’t read books or newspapers for a long time. When reading, you should keep the book about one foot away from your eyes. Secondly, don’t read in dim light or in the sun. Thirdly, remember to do eye-exercises every day, which can help you keep good eyesight.

I’m sure you’ll have bright eyes, if you obey the rules above.


该文的用语简洁明了,思路清晰。”Here’s some advice on how to protect our eyes”引出下文,过渡自然。”Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly”的使用,使文章结构清晰,条理自然。没有遗漏要点。

How to Protect Our Eyes

We all know that eyes are the window of the soul. We see nothing without eyes. So eyes are very important for us. We must protect them carefully. Do you know how to protect you eyes?

First, don’t keep your eyes working for a long time. You’d better have a rest after you have studied for about an hour. Second, don’t read in a strong or poor light. Reading in bed or in a morning car is also bad for your eyes. At last, remember to do eye-exercises every day.

If you keep on doing so, your world will be colorful for ever.


该文开篇直接点题,“We see nothing without eyes”说明眼睛的重要性。利用一个问句“Do you know how to protect your eyes?” 引出下文,行文流畅。有效地使用连词,如:”first, second, third, or”等来分步写出保护眼睛的措施。全文结构紧凑,要点全面,句式多变,完全达到了预期的写作目的。

上一篇:试论财会教学中学生主体性的发挥 下一篇:高中英语新课程改革中要树立五种意识