粮食署:由于资金严重缺乏 伊拉克援粮供应行动被迫减少

时间:2022-09-14 11:19:25

粮食署:由于资金严重缺乏 伊拉克援粮供应行动被迫减少

2015年8月10日 世界粮食计划署今天指出,由于资金严重缺乏,该机构只能被迫减少向伊拉克近100万内部流离失所者提供粮食援助的行动。粮食署指出,今年该机构的伊拉克援助项目资金缺口达7,810万美元。





On August 10th, 2015, World Food Program said due to the lack of money, the food supply to Iraq for 1 million homeless people declines. It said that it lacked $781 million for the assist project in Iraq.

Jane Pearce, representative of UNWFP to Iraq, said due to the lack of money and increase of homeless people in Iraq, the agency had to reduce the supply of food for millions of Iraqi families living in campus, so that the most vulnerable group can get help.

Since April this year, UNWFP has used the limited money on the most needed ones. People can only get $16 food coupon now instead of $26 before. UNWFP also reduces the food for every family from 80% to 40%. People living in campus that haven’t had a job can get the food coupon in full.

UNWFP said there are 3 million homeless people in Iraq and many others in other countries. Since the humanitarian condition continues to worsen, many people still cannot get food, water and shelter.

In 2014, with the support from the international community, UNWFP can enlarge its aid in Iraq by helping more people from 0.24 million to 1.8 million.


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