
时间:2022-08-11 03:21:07


摘要: 目的:研究中国最大城市之一的上海市医疗卫生行业投入与产出效益情况并找出影响因素并提出对策。方法:收集2000年-2010年相关数据,采用平均增长量、平均发展速度、平均增长速度计算出投入、产出指标值。结果:11年间上海市医疗卫生机构规模缩小。人员和病床规模扩大,但速度不及人口发展速度快,诊疗人数年均增长9.3%,医生人均每日担负诊疗人次年均增长速度达6.63%。人均住院费用年均增长6.04%,其中药费年均7.32%。结论:加大投入人力物力,合理医药改革,建立健全三级医疗体系,健全医疗保障制度,完善社会保障体系,保证医疗行业的公益性,充分发挥其社会职能。

Abstract: Objective: to study the input and output of medical treatment and public health at Shanghai, one of the biggest cities in China, and find out influencing factors and puts forward countermeasures. Methods: collect the related data from 2000 to 2010, and calculate input and output index by using the average growth, the developing speed, average growth rate. Results: for 11 years, the scale of Shanghai medical and health institutions reduced. The number of personnel and the hospital bed is expanding, but its development speed can not catch up with the increasing of population, the average annual growth of the number of diagnosis and treatment is 9.3%, the number of treatment of the doctor per day grown at an average annual rate of 6.63%. Hospitalization cost per capita annual average growth is of 6.04%, 7.32% annual rate of expenses for medicine. Conclusion: increasing investment in human resources, the rational medical reform, establishing and improving the level 3 medical system, improve the medical security system, perfect social security system, to ensure the public medical industry, give full play to its social functions.

关键词: 上海;医疗卫生;效益分析

Key words: Shanghai;medical treatment and public health;benefit analysis

中图分类号:R197.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2012)25-0306-03

0 引言


1 资料来源与方法





2 结果



3 分析

3.1 投入指标情况分析

3.1.1 医疗卫生机构规模 从图1和表1中可知,2000年上海市卫生机构数达4400个,2010年机构数减至3270个,2003年减少到最低值仅为2319个,平均每年以113个的速度减少;年平均发展速度为97.08%,年平均增长速度为负2.92%。其中医院从459家减至306家,2006年医院数最高达505家,2007年最低为288家医院;年平均发展速度为96.03%,年平均增长速度为负3.97%。相比其他卫生机构,医院数量减少得更快,社区卫生服务中心、妇幼保健院及其他医疗机构数量相对增多,说明这是上海市实现三级医疗就诊,是解决“看病难”有效举措之一。

上一篇:纤维素的塑性加工研究进展 下一篇:煤矿工人心理健康提升对煤矿安全生产的影响