
时间:2022-08-05 08:05:23



>> 浅谈社会学视域下的大学文化 文化社会学视野下的“微电影”解读 社会学视角下的语言政策研究 “中国模式”的社会学解读 “30而立”的社会学解读 “不感恩”的社会学解读 赶超优势的社会学解读 摆平现象的社会学解读 儿童游戏的社会学解读 谣言的社会学解读 传统仪式的社会学解读 科技传播的社会学解读 治理概念的社会学辨析 社会学视域下犯罪问题探析 社会学视域下“低头族”群体成因分析 法社会学视域下的生态补偿制度悖论 课外辅导班火爆成因:教育社会学视域下的思考 社会学新制度理论视域下校长轮岗交流制的政策思考 社会学视域下职业教育课堂的“公共空间” 社会学视域下研究生学术失范的成因及控制策略 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l. 2014-04-26.

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On Sociological Perspective of Language

Governmentality in the United States

TUO Hong-yan, TIAN Bing

(School of Foreign Languages, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China)

Abstract:Scholars have traditionally framed the study of early U.S. language policy around levels of tolerance for languages other than English. This article argues that this framing overlooks the era background associated with the liberal democratic governance. The article uses the Foucauldian-inspired framework of Language governmentality to examine how early U.S. Scholars of language designed the new language as part of political rationality to produce republic citizen to fit the needs of the newly emerging U.S. democracy; Meanwhile, it demonstrates the aim of both sides of the contemporary debate on English as the official language of United States still is through language governmentality to create “republican machines”.

Key words:United States; language policy; language governmentality; English-only Movement; English-plus

上一篇:一种解决小尺寸芯片无法焊线的设计方法 下一篇:高二语文课堂真实性评价模式初探