
时间:2022-07-20 01:56:15




Abstract: to increase rural water conservancy facilities construction of small investment is the party and the country increase agricultural infrastructure construction, strengthen the agricultural production development in the future, in order to solve the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" the important content and the main measures. Without a doubt, the decision is science, is in the present agricultural production, the reality of the rural people's livelihood desperately needed, is to improve the quality of public life level, promote the social and economic development. But, in national gradually invest a lot of money, people spend a lot of money after human, our agricultural water conservancy infrastructure will really can play its full foundation status, and then ensure and promote the rapid development of agriculture and country? The development of social economy short board really can make up? I with more than 20 years of the basic level to the understanding of the water conservancy work, combined with the practical situation of the rural column think over and over again, that the answer is not completely sure. Meanwhile, for the country the can, strategic benefits the country and the strong policy totally be implemented, and eventual achievement of national social economic comprehensive goal is what worries, now might as well say what your opinion, in order to can also cause column outside the government and related basic rural department attention to adjust measures to local conditions for the principle does well the planning, scientific management to promote small water resources projects or even the agricultural development of countryside, let the party and the government of the people's livelihood policy into effect, play the actual effect, the vast rural people can really enjoy the results of people's livelihood.

Keywords: small water conservancy; Adjust measures to local conditions; Scientific management.

中图分类号:TV 文献标识码:A 文章编号:

柱山乡距万州主城区24公里,辖1个社区居委会和9个行政村(居)民委员会,共有18007人;幅员面积54平方公里, 耕地面积14000亩;全乡林地面积26276亩(不含退耕还林地),占幅员面积的69%;人均纯收入3823元,重庆市级贫困乡。境内海拔在415米至918米之间,属典型的高山重丘地形地貌,由于受自然条件的限制,70%以上为断头山,人均可利用蓄水仅35立方米,农田水利基础设施脆弱,抗御自然灾害能力差,严重制约了全乡社会经济发展。


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