自由魔术大师Mr. Hold 的多彩戏法

时间:2022-02-17 05:36:47

提到hold这个词大家应该不陌生,因为现在流行一个热门词汇叫“hold住”,意思是:“sth. is under control; stay calm!”。


hold作为动词含义丰富,搭配不同的名词,就会变出不同的意义。例如:hold one’s breath屏息;hold water 站得住脚,经得起检验。例如:Miller is a dishonest person. His words can’t hold water. 米勒是个不诚实的人,他的话经不起验证。还有一个很地道的俚语:hold your horses 别着急,耐心一点。例如:Hold your horses, everything will be fine. 耐心点,一切都会好的。

字典中,hold 的用法很是繁多,下面我们通过一些经典的例句来感受下它的妙用。

1. 拿/握/抓/抱住

catch / seize / get / take hold of 抓住(该短语中hold 变成了名词)

例如:Cat Tom held the little mouse by the tail tightly. 汤姆猫紧紧抓住了小老鼠的尾巴。

The girl catches hold of the tree. 女孩紧紧地抱住树。

2. 支撑,相当于

例如:Can this branch hold your weight?这根树枝能撑住你的重量吗?

3. 保持,坚持住

例如:Who holds the world record for the high jump? 谁保持了跳高的世界纪录?

If your luck holds, you could still win the championship. 如果你的好运持续下去,你仍能获得冠军。

4. 容纳,包含

例如:The hall can hold nearly 3,000 audience. 这个大厅能容纳近3000名观众。

5. 持有,拥有

例如:Employees hold 30% of the shares 雇员持有30%的股份。

6. 怀有,持有(信念、意见)

例如:We all hold the view that to err is human. 大家都认为:人非圣贤孰能无过。

7. 召开(会议),举行(比赛)等

例如:The meeting will be held at 3 p.m. this afternoon. 会议将在下午三点举行。

8. (打电话)不挂断

例如:The extension is busy right now. Can you hold? 分机现在占线,你能等会吗?


1. hold up 举起/支撑;阻挡/耽搁;举出(作榜样);抢劫

例如:Hold up your hands if you have any question. 如有问题请举手。

We had planned to finish the work before dark, but the heavy rain held us up. 我们本计划天黑前完成工作,但是给大雨耽搁了。

His son was held up as a model of hard work. 他的儿子被推举为勤奋工作的模范。

2. hold on (+prep.) 抓牢不放;(打电话时用语)别挂断;坚持/忍耐;保留

例如:He held on to the stick to stop himself from falling. 他抓紧了那棍子防止自己掉下去。

Hold on for a minute. I’ve just got to put on my make?up. 等一会儿,我要化妆。

I hold on to my belief that great efforts pay off. 我坚守着我的信念:天道酬勤。

He was determined to hold on this job whatever difficulties he might run into. 他下定决心,不管碰到什么困难,都要坚持做这工作。

I’d hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment. 目前我不能卖出那套房子,此刻房价正在急剧上涨。

3. hold back 阻碍/阻止;克制(情感);隐瞒;犹豫

例句:No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。

She held back from telling him what she thought of him. 她克制住自己说出她对他的看法。

She couldn’t hold back her tears any longer and wept aloud. 她再也忍不住了,大声哭泣起来。

She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news. 她踌躇着,不知该怎样宣布这一坏消息。

4. hold out 伸出/张开;拿出/提供;坚持/挺住

例句:They held out the hand of friendship to me. 他们向我伸出了友谊之手。

The servant holds out a roll of toilet paper. 仆人拿出一卷卫生纸。

“How long will our fresh water supplies hold out?” the captain asked. 船长问道:“我们的淡水还能支持多久?”

The athletes are bound to hold out to the end in the competition and achieve great success. 运动员在比赛上一定会坚持到底,取得巨大成功。

I hope this fine weather will hold out for another week. 我希望这样的好天气能再持续一个星期。

5. hold off 使……不接近;拖延/耽搁(=put off);抵抗

例句:His cold manner holds people off.他的冷漠态度使人不敢接近。

The rain held off just long enough for us to have our picnic. 雨一时下不起来,我们有足够的时间吃完野餐。

We must be ready to hold off the coming storm’s attack.我们必须准备好阻挡即将来临的暴风雨的袭击。

6. hold down 压低,控制;压制/使屈服

例句:The government has taken some measures to hold down food prices. 政府已经采取一些措施控制食品价格上涨。

They tried every means to hold down the workers on strike. 他们采取一切手段镇压罢工工人。

7. hold over 延期,延续;继续上映

例句:The matter was held over until the next meeting. 此事被延至下次会议解决。

The movie proved so popular that it was held over for another week. 这部电影如此热门,又继续上映了一周。



hold back, hold on, hold up, hold down, hold out

1. The building of the new road has been by bad weather.

2. She managed to her emotion until her guests had left. Then she cried.

3. Tell him to a moment. I’ll come soon.

4. How much longer can our food

supplies ?

5. These measures helped to the city’s population.

6. You should your oil shares.

上一篇:大学自主招生单选真题摘录 下一篇:这个非谓语“不简单”(一)