
时间:2022-01-28 01:31:35



>> 程序设计课程的教学理念与教学方法探究 程序设计课程全英语教学理论与实践研究 VB程序设计课程的教学实践与改革 基于CDIO工程教育理念的.NET程序设计课程教学实践 《Java语言程序设计》课程改革与教学实践 “VB程序设计”课程教学实践与探索 C#程序设计课程教学探索与实践 VB程序设计课程教学改革与实践 Java程序设计课程教学改革与实践 《C程序设计》课程教学改革与实践 程序设计课程混合教学模式改革与实践 独立学院“VB程序设计”课程教学与实践 C语言程序设计课程的改革与实践 “Java程序设计”课程建设的研究与实践 注重实践的程序设计课程教学 探索C语言程序设计课程的实践教学 重在设计能力的程序设计类课程教学改革与实践 基于虚拟软件工厂的程序设计课程教学设计与实践 程序设计竞赛对高职程序设计课程教学的研究与探讨 “C语言程序设计”与计算机相关课程的融合教学与实践 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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Teaching Idea and Practice in Programming Course

XU Dongmei

(School of Computer Science & Engineering,Southeast University, Nanjing 210096,China)

Abstract: This paper gives a brief introduction to the improvement on teaching concept and teaching method what author did tryout,and investigates on the teaching method of the program design course from the point of view at calculation science, to the present state and development of teaching principle carried on analysis, put forward a teaching method that is importing the doorstep in the teaching with data consciousness and algorithmic feasibility,usage teaching principle of push thinking, pay attention to the programming style to exaltation teaching efficiency, and promote teaching quality.

Key words: Programming Desing; base teaching; teaching idea; image thinking; abstract thinking

上一篇:数字化信息典型传播特色探析 下一篇:应用型本科院校程序设计课程实验教学改革研究